2014 2014: UMass Dartmouth Public Policy Center renamed and re-launched

2014 2014: UMass Dartmouth Public Policy Center renamed and re-launched
UMass Dartmouth Public Policy Center renamed and re-launched

Newly renamed Public Policy Center (PPC) at UMass Dartmouth will play critical role in regional and statewide issues

Michael Goodman at a podium

UMass Dartmouth announced today the newly renamed Public Policy Center, which will continue the more than three decades work of the University's Center for Policy Analysis. The PPC will play a critical role in regional and statewide policy discussions by providing public, private, and non-profit leaders with the analytical support they require to make the Commonwealth, the region, and Massachusetts cities and towns better places to live, work, and do business.

Dr. Michael Goodman, a leading expert on the Massachusetts economy, was appointed director of the Center beginning on July 1. Dr. Goodman served for the past five years as Associate Professor and Chair of the UMass Dartmouth Department of Public Policy, where he directed the face-to-face and fully online Master of Public Policy program. Professor Goodman is Co-Editor of MassBenchmarks, the journal of the Massachusetts economy published by the University of Massachusetts in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

"These changes represent an exciting new chapter in the distinguished history of the Center," noted Professor Goodman. "I look forward to working with David Borges and Colleen Dawicki to build upon the legacy of excellent work that has characterized the Center and the Urban Initiative for decades," Goodman added.

Since assuming leadership as Executive Director of the newly renamed center, Dr. Goodman has worked closely with staff to develop a plan to fulfill the PPC's commitment to community engagement, public service, and strong links between the Center and UMass Dartmouth students and faculty. This process has been informed by the Center's renewed mission to promote evidence-based policymaking, improve public understanding of critical policy issues, provide educational and research opportunities to UMass Dartmouth faculty and students, and connect the resources of UMass Dartmouth to the communities the Center serves.

For more information on the PPC and its services, please visit: http://www.umassd.edu/ppc

UMass Dartmouth distinguishes itself as a vibrant, public research university dedicated to engaged learning and innovative research resulting in personal and lifelong student success. The University serves as an intellectual catalyst for economic, social, and cultural transformation on a global, national, and regional scale.