2014 2014: Obsessive Compulsive Order Exhibit Reception & Artist Talk Takes Place February 13

2014 2014: Obsessive Compulsive Order Exhibit Reception & Artist Talk Takes Place February 13
Obsessive Compulsive Order Exhibit Reception & Artist Talk Takes Place February 13

CVPA Exhibit Showcases Artwork from New Bedford, Boston, Rhode Island, New York & Pittsburgh

UMass Dartmouth's College of Visual & Performing Arts (CVPA) presents the Obsessive Compulsive Order exhibit at the university Star Store Campus in New Bedford. The exhibition features works of various media including ink, gouache, burned drawing, and installation, by outstanding female artists from New England and beyond. A reception will take place tomorrow, Thursday, February 13, 2014, at the Star Store Campus, beginning at 6:00 p.m., with an artist talk scheduled for 7:00 p.m. 

The reception and artist talk coincide with AHA! Night. UMass Dartmouth's CVPA is an essential partner in AHA! Night, which occurs the second Thursday night of each month serving as the city of New Bedford's own monthly arts and culture celebration. 

The University Art Gallery at the Star Store Campus proudly presents this group exhibition exploring systematic, deliberate work from talented female artists Huguette Despault May of Hatch Street Studios in New Bedford, Masako Kamiya of Gallery Naga in Boston, Jane Masters of Miller Yezerski Gallery in Boston and Jennifer Kostuick Gallery in Vancouver, Canada, Barbara Owen of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Jessica Rosner of Cade Tompkins Project in Providence, Rhode Island, and Diane Samuels, who resides in Pittsburgh, and is represented by Kim Foster Gallery in New York. 

Masako Kamya's work is courtesy of Gallery NAGA and one of Diane Samuels' works came from Kim Foster Gallery - all other works are the courtesy of the artists. UMass Dartmouth Gallery Director Viera Levitt conducted the studio visits and selected the work. 

An additional artist talk is scheduled for March 13, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., at the Star Store. 

The emphases of the CVPA Galleries are given to works that celebrate the talents and creativity of members of the CVPA community. Gallery hours for the Star Store Campus are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily (the gallery is open until 9:00 p.m. during AHA! Nights). All CVPA Campus Gallery programming (including exhibitions, receptions, and lectures) is free of charge and open to the public. For more information visit umassd.edu/cvpa, contact gallery@umassd.edu, or visit the UMass Dartmouth Galleries Facebook page. 

The UMass Dartmouth Star Store Campus is located at 715 Purchase Street, New Bedford, MA.