2014 2014: "Innovation Hub" Host Kara Miller to address UMass Dartmouth Class of 2018 at Convocation Ceremony Tuesday

2014 2014: "Innovation Hub" Host Kara Miller to address UMass Dartmouth Class of 2018 at Convocation Ceremony Tuesday
"Innovation Hub" Host Kara Miller to address UMass Dartmouth Class of 2018 at Convocation Ceremony Tuesday

UMass Dartmouth's 2014 Convocation Ceremony takes place Tuesday, September 2, 2014, at Vietnam Veterans Peace Memorial Amphitheater

UMass Dartmouth's 2014 Convocation Ceremony takes place Tuesday, September 2, 2014, at 11:00 a.m., at the Vietnam Veterans Peace Memorial Amphitheater. 

Convocation is a ceremony that celebrates the beginning of the academic year and welcomes new students to campus. This year's Keynote Speaker is Kara Miller, host and executive editor of "Innovation Hub," WGBH's and Public Radio International's weekly radio show about technology and innovation. She also contributes to "The Takeaway," a national radio program hosted by John Hockenberry, WGBH's "Morning Edition," and "Greater Boston," which airs on Boston's PBS station. 

As a host, Kara has interviewed Tom Friedman, Sherry Turkle, Jared Diamond, Sal Khan, David Pogue, and Marissa Mayer, among others. Her writing has appeared in The Boston Globe, The National Journal, The Boston Herald, TheAtlantic.com, The Huffington Post, and The International Herald Tribune. Kara Miller holds a Ph.D. from Tufts University and a B.A. from Yale University. 

Miller will discuss "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion" by Jonathan Haidt--the book selected for first-year students' summer reading and fall discussion. The First Year Book Project is designed to introduce students to the academic community at UMass Dartmouth.