2014 2014: UMass Dartmouth to cut ribbon on downtown Fall River international student site August 4

2014 2014: UMass Dartmouth to cut ribbon on downtown Fall River international student site August 4
UMass Dartmouth to cut ribbon on downtown Fall River international student site August 4

UMass Dartmouth Chancellor Divina Grossman will be joined by Fall River officials and students, faculty, and staff from the University's international students education program for a ribbon cutting ceremony

UMass Dartmouth Chancellor Divina Grossman will be joined by Fall River officials and students, faculty, and staff from the University's international students education program for a ribbon cutting ceremony, Monday, August 4, 2014, at 11:00 a.m., on the second floor of the Cherry and Webb building at 139 South Main Street in downtown Fall River. The ceremony will celebrate the move of the university's Navitas partnership to downtown Fall River. The goal is to bring 100 students, faculty and staff to the area to learn, shop, and dine in the coming academic year. 

Chancellor Grossman is expected to be joined by Fall River Mayor William Flanagan, State Representative Alan Silvia, State Representative Carol Fiola, State Representative Paul Schmid, Executive Director of Navitas at UMass Dartmouth Mary Fleming, UMass Dartmouth international students, and downtown business owners. 

Under the program, Navitas, the university's international education partner,will deliver courses to students at the downtown site. The students will live on campus and be transported five days per week to the facility where they will spend most of their day in classes but also have time participate in the life of the downtown and the rest of the city. 

A key component of the initiative will be connecting downtown eateries to the UMass Dartmouth Pass, allowing students to purchase food using the official university ID card. The University will be reaching out to businesses in the area to assist them in participating in the program.