2013 2013: UMass Dartmouth to Open New Hall-Hildreth IDEAStudio

2013 2013: UMass Dartmouth to Open New Hall-Hildreth IDEAStudio
UMass Dartmouth to Open New Hall-Hildreth IDEAStudio

Ribbon Cutting for Interdisciplinary Research Studio to take place Monday, September 16th

With the new academic year at UMass Dartmouth now underway, students, faculty, and alumni can come together to celebrate a new addition to their campus that will further foster opportunity for creativity and ingenuity across disciplines. The ribbon cutting ceremony for the Innovation, Design, Engineering and Art Studio (IDEAStudio) will take place Monday, September 16th from 4 p.m.- 6p.m at the Textile Building, Room 003. The studio will be a common work space for engineering and art students to work on projects and innovative research, generating creative solutions to today's complex design question.

"The name of this new space speaks directly to us--the IDEAStudio, an acronym for Innovation, Design, Engineering, and Art Studio. Thank you to Chip Hildreth '85 and Sue Hall '85, our proud alumni, who have worked together with our deans, faculty, students, and staff for two years to bring this project to fruition," said Chancellor Divina Grossman. "We are grateful for the opportunity that this space will provide to our students and the creativity and ingenuity it will unleash across all disciplines on our campus. We are grateful to both of you for your vision and generosity in making this possible." 

Arrival of Guests will begin at 4 p.m., with remarks by Chancellor Grossman and Sue Hall '85 and Norman (Chip) Hildreth '85 from 4:45 p.m. -- 5:10 p.m., and the ceremonial ribbon cutting is set to take place at 5:15 p.m. Demonstrations will take place displaying studio's capabilities.