2013 2013: UMass Dartmouth Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Awarded U.S. Department of Justice Grant

2013 2013: UMass Dartmouth Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Awarded U.S. Department of Justice Grant
UMass Dartmouth Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Awarded U.S. Department of Justice Grant

$300,000 in Funding Supports Initiative to Take on Sexual Assault

UMass Dartmouth's Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality  (CWGS) has been awarded a three year, $300,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office on Violence against Women. The grant will fund the expansion of prevention efforts and educational programming on sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. 

"This funding puts the Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality and UMass Dartmouth out front in recognizing and preventing the devastating effects of sexual violence and intimate partner violence," said Dr. Juli Parker, Director of CWGS. "The grant will further support victim services and create prevention and intervention strategies that meet the needs of LGBTQ students." 

Partnering with the Women's Center, Inc., CWGS will provide training for Public Safety officers, Student Conduct Board members, Housing and Residential Education staff, and New Student Orientation staff. In addition, the grant will expand the university's current bystander education program, Step UP, and develop a three-part, mandatory educational program on sexual violence for New Student Orientation. By the third year of the grant, approximately 4500 students will have received mandatory sexual violence and bystander intervention education. 

This grant was submitted by Dr. Parker with the assistance of the following offices: Student Affairs, Student Conduct and Dispute Resolution, Health Education, Promotion, and Wellness, and Housing and Residential Education. Originally founded in 1970 as the Women's Center, CWGS is a voice for women and the LGBTQIA+ community, with the purpose of eliminating barriers, diminishing prejudices, and creating a supportive climate and space for all.