2013 2013: UMass Dartmouth Library Associates Speaker Series Begins on September 26

2013 2013: UMass Dartmouth Library Associates Speaker Series Begins on September 26
UMass Dartmouth Library Associates Speaker Series Begins on September 26

Stefani Koorey to speak on Lizzie Borden at the Fall River Marine Museum September 26th

The UMass Dartmouth Claire T. Carney Library Associates will open the 2013 season with an evening on Lizzie Borden presented by guest speaker Stefani Koorey.. The event will be Thursday, September 26th at 7 p.m. at the Fall River Marine Museum, 70 Water Street, Fall River. A reception and book signing will be held immediately following the program. 

Koorey, a Fall River historian and expert on the Borden murders of 1892 will be sharing her extensive knowledge on the Lizzie Borden murders and trial. The author of several books on the Lizzie Borden case, Koorey's other works include Fall River Revisited and Arthur Miller's Life and Literature: An Annotated and Comprehensive Bibliography, Story Programs. Her company, PearTree Press, publishes works of fiction and non-fiction, including The Literary Hatchet and The Hatchet: A Journal of Lizzie Borden and Victorian Studies. Born and raised in Orlando, Florida, Koorey moved to Fall River in 2007. She is the co-founder of the Fall River History Club and active in local community groups working for the betterment of the city and its citizens. 

Koorey holds an MA in theatre arts, an MFA in theatre management, an MS in library science/digital libraries, and a PhD in theatre history and dramatic criticism. She is currently employed as a Web Services Librarian at Fidelity Investments in Boston. Admission to the program is free and open to the public. Directions to the Marine Museum: if arriving from the North follow 79 South, if arriving from UMass Dartmouth follow 195 E then take 79 S. For additional information contact dberner@umassd.edu or call 508-999-8671. 

The UMass Dartmouth Claire T. Carney Library Associates is a public organization open to all. They seek to promote the library by offering programs that reflect the library's mission by raising funds to help develop its collections and provide a variety of services to faculty, students and the public.