2013 2013: Governor Patrick Announces $55 Million Investment for New UMass Dartmouth Academic Building

2013 2013: Governor Patrick Announces $55 Million Investment for New UMass Dartmouth Academic Building
Governor Patrick Announces $55 Million Investment for New UMass Dartmouth Academic Building

Funding Will Support UMass Dartmouth's Increased Enrollment

This week Governor Deval Patrick announced a $55 million investment toward a new academic building at UMass Dartmouth which will help the campus respond to an increased growth in enrollment by enhancing the number of teaching and learning areas. UMass Dartmouth Chancellor Divina Grossman thanked the Governor for his continued support of public higher education. 

The new $55 million academic building will enable UMass Dartmouth to keep in step with other leading higher education institutions. The growing demands for research space, technological developments, and specialized classrooms need to be met in order to provide the world class education students need and deserve. 

On the heels of the announcement, Governor Patrick was joined by Chancellor Grossman, Library Dean Terrence Burton, Congressman Bill Keating and state representatives Tony Cabral and Chris Markey on a tour of our Claire T. Carney Library. The group spoke with students in the computer labs and living room, met our student leaders, saw the digital study rooms at work, and visited the Congressman Barney Frank Collection and Veterans' Reading Room. 

The announcement of this new academic building follows a series of other recent investments aimed at expanding opportunity for UMass Dartmouth students and faculty, including the renovation of the Claire T. Carney Library, the expansion of the School for Marine Science and Technology (SMAST), the Hall-Hildreth IDEAStudio, the Elisabeth A. Pennington Simulation Laboratory, an expanded and revamped Fitness Center, and the Massachusetts Accelerator for Biomanufacturing (MAB), scheduled to open this December.