2013 2013: Message from the Chancellor

2013 2013: Message from the Chancellor
Message from the Chancellor

World Series Message

Dear students, 

Tonight the Red Sox have a chance to make history and fill our hearts with the joy that only a World Series victory can produce. When the final result is known, let us join all of Red Sox Nation in celebration of a team noted for its resilience, passion....beards... 
and above all else the ability to prove the doubters wrong. 

Here at UMass Dartmouth over the past year, I have been so proud of you for demonstrating your own resilience, especially in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon tragedy when you showed such caring for each other and the greater community. The Torch Relay to Boston, the planting of the peace tree near our track, and fundraisers to support the victims, all illustrated the true meaning of Corsair Strong. 

On Wednesday night, let Corsair Nation celebrate the accomplishments of the Red Sox, whatever the outcome, in a manner that keeps our campus community safe. 

Go Sox! 


P.S. For more information about acceptable fan behavior, go to 