2013 2013: UMass Dartmouth to Host 2nd Annual Transformative Researchers and Educators for Democracy (TRED) Conference

2013 2013: UMass Dartmouth to Host 2nd Annual Transformative Researchers and Educators for Democracy (TRED) Conference
UMass Dartmouth to Host 2nd Annual Transformative Researchers and Educators for Democracy (TRED) Conference

Department of Educational Leadership and the Educational Leadership and Policies Studies Doctoral Program Host Conference November 15,16

UMass Dartmouth's Department of Educational Leadership and the Educational Leadership and Policies Studies Doctoral Program is hosting the second annual Transformative Researchers and Educators for Democracy (TRED) Conference entitled "Voices and Silences of Social and Cognitive Justice", November 15-16 at UMass Dartmouth's Woodland Commons.   

The conference will focus on youth and building an educational community that has authentic learning opportunities as students learn to critically engage with the world as 21st century learners and global citizens. 

On Friday, November 15, at 3:30 p.m., Massachusetts Secretary of Education, Matthew H. Malone, will deliver a keynote address to commence the conference. On Saturday, November 16th, at 9 a.m. Donaldo Macedo, an educational leader and international leading Freirean scholar, will discuss how transformative educational leaders, can continue to work together for educational equity as well as social and cognitive justice for our youth and communities. 

TRED aims to address public issues in educational policies and practices that are both local and global. The conference will provide a public space for educational researchers and practitioners to engage in critical and transformative dialogues through forums, presentation sessions, panel discussions, and informal gatherings, which place the discussion of educational leadership and policy within the dynamics of ideological production, that reflect existing power imbalances that perpetuate inequalities within society.