2011 2011: UMass Dartmouth professor honored by Congress for "job well done"

2011 2011: UMass Dartmouth professor honored by Congress for "job well done"
UMass Dartmouth professor honored by Congress for "job well done"

Mechanical Engineering's Peter Friedman praised for service as Congressional Fellow

UMass Dartmouth Professor Peter D. Friedman was recently honored for his yearlong service as an adviser on energy policy in the office of U.S. Representative Michael Simpson (R-ID). 

Speaking in the chamber of the House of Representatives, Congressman Simpson praised Friedman's "data-driven, measured advice" on defense, nuclear power and the Fukushima Daiichi power plant crisis, and congratulated him on "a job well done." 

Dr. Friedman served in Rep. Simpson's office as a Congressional Fellow -- a highly competitive program sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to give Congress access to the best scientific advice while affording engineers the chance to learn the lawmaking process first-hand. 

Friedman, who chairs the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is passionate about the need for a science-driven, fact-based energy policy that includes nuclear power, and calls his Fellowship a "distinct honor and invaluable educational opportunity."