2011 2011: Pulitzer Prize winner to speak at Women's Resource Center/Women's Studies fundraiser March 29

2011 2011: Pulitzer Prize winner to speak at Women's Resource Center/Women's Studies fundraiser March 29
Pulitzer Prize winner to speak at Women's Resource Center/Women's Studies fundraiser March 29

Susan Faludi, former Wall Street Journal writer and author of Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man, will keynote event.

For the 4th Annual Women's Studies Program and Women's Resource Center Fundraiser on Tuesday, March 29th at UMass Dartmouth, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Susan Faludi will be the keynote speaker. 

A compelling voice in American feminism, writer Susan Faludi is one of the most astute chroniclers of the changing roles and expectations of men and women. After winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1991 as an investigative reporter for The Wall Street Journal, Faludi "set off firecrackers across the political landscape" (Time) with her groundbreaking book Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. An eloquent examination of the issues facing women today, the book was an international best-seller and winner of the 1992 National Book Critics Circle Award. 

Faludi's latest book, Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man, continues her exploration of modern culture. By analyzing the forces that shape men's lives and attitudes, Faludi shows how all of us-women and men alike-are molded by assumptions and societal beliefs beyond our control. 

At the fundraiser, Faludi's talk, titled "Why Haven't Women Remade the World Yet?," will examine the strange fever dream America fell into after 9/11, with the media, popular culture, and politicians calling for a revival of "manly men" and a version of domesticity where women are viewed as victims. According to Faludi, our deeply-ingrained beliefs about masculinity, femininity, and sanctified violence have shaped the national psyche during the war on terror. These beliefs, Faludi argues, are at the very core of the mythology surrounding American culture, a myth of cowboy bluster and feminine frailty that is reanimated whenever threat and shame loom. 

The event is being held at UMass Dartmouth's Woodland Commons on Tuesday, March 29th. To attend the Women's Studies Program and Women's Resource Center Fundraiser, please go to: http://www.umassd.edu/cas/wms/resources/wmsevents/  All tickets must be secured by March 25th.