2011 2011: Commencement 2011 Updates

2011 2011: Commencement 2011 Updates
Commencement 2011 Updates

Please return to this page for the latest bulletins related to Commencement 2011.

Congratulations to the Class of 2011.

In order to make your big day run as smoothly as possible, we will use this page to provide the latest updates related to weather, parking, and traffic.


If you're having trouble finding family and friends during or after commencement, go to umassd.edu on your mobile device and click the "Lost in the crowd? MeetUp!" to pinpoint your location.


Conditions normal.


Remember, traffic flows in one direction. After entering the campus, bear right.


Please park where directed by police and security. If you have passengers with special needs, please contact Public Safety at 508.999.8107 well before arriving on campus.

Watch the ceremonies live online!

More details at the Commencement 2011 website and umassd.edu.

Check out UMassD Mobile on your IPhone, IPod or Android.