2010 2010: UMass Dartmouth Professor Honored for Pro Bono Work by Bristol County Bar Association and New Center for Legal Advocacy

2010 2010: UMass Dartmouth Professor Honored for Pro Bono Work by Bristol County Bar Association and New Center for Legal Advocacy
UMass Dartmouth Professor Honored for Pro Bono Work by Bristol County Bar Association and New Center for Legal Advocacy

Public Policy professor and attorney Chad McGuire's "contribution of legal services to ensure access to justice for poor and low income residents" cited

UMass Dartmouth School of Education, Public Policy and Civic Engagement (SEPPCE) Professor Chad McGuire was honored by the Bristol County Bar Association and New Center for Legal Advocacy on May 12 at the Bristol County Bar's annual dinner.

Professor McGuire, an attorney who teaches policy studies, environmental law, administrative law, and environmental policy, at the university, has been volunteering at the New Center since 2004. He was given the annual Pro Bono Award "in recognition of outstanding contribution of legal services to ensure access to justice for poor and low income residents of Bristol County, Massachusetts."  

"Volunteering for community organizations like the New Center for Legal Advocacy allows me to achieve the University's community engagement goals,'' McGuire said. "It allows me to use my legal skills to aid in community development at the most basic levels of our society while also providing me with real-life experiences that I can share with my students."   

"Professor McGuire exemplifies the School of Education, Public Policy and Civic Engagement's strong commitment to public service through his teaching, scholarship and extraordinary service to the community and the legal profession,'' said Dr. Michael Goodman, chair of the SEPPCE's Department of Public Policy.