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Claire T. Carney Leaders Program

The Claire T. Carney Leaders Program is an opportunity for interested and qualified full-time first-year UMassD students, who will be enrolled as sophomores at UMass Dartmouth during AY 2025-2026, to serve with a local community-based organization or on-campus partner in consultation and approval from the Leduc Center for Civic Engagement. Applicants must be in good academic standing. Students from all majors are encouraged to apply.

Purpose of the Award

The program strives to engage highly motivated students who have demonstrated a commitment to civic engagement that enhances their studies, life, and most importantly, the lives and community they serve. The amount of the community service-based internship shall be $2,000 per semester and is renewable provided that the academic, code of conduct and community service commitments are maintained. The program will recruit and support diverse students committed to changing the world through service.

This service-based award aims to foster an esprit de corps or cohort amongst the Claire T. Carney Leaders. The cohort model provides a supportive and interactive learning climate that increases student interactions and interdependence, student involvement, and improved critical thinking skills. It also fosters an environment of networking, increased feelings of belonging, confidence, and motivation towards teamwork.

Claire T. Carney Leaders will engage in service as well as leadership training and reflection during their service. They will address community-identified needs and tackle issues that community-based organizations are engaged in. Students identify, develop, and integrate service and civic engagement passions, academic studies, and career interests. They are challenged and supported to grow as leaders as well as demonstrate active citizenship.

Amount of Award

The amount of the award shall be $2,000 per semester and is renewable provided that the academic, code of conduct, and community service commitments are maintained. Recipients will serve 8-10 hours per week for a total of 125 hours per semester with a local community-based organization or on-campus partner in consultation and approval from the Leduc Center for Civic Engagement.

Eligibility for the Award

1. Any first-year UMassD student, who will be enrolled full-time at UMass Dartmouth as a sophomore during AY 2025- 2026, is eligible to apply for the Claire T. Carney Leaders program. Applicants from all majors are encouraged to apply for the award.

2. Applicants must be in good academic standing and completed at least one full-time semester at UMass Dartmouth before the application deadline.

3. Applicants must demonstrate leadership potential and a commitment to civic engagement.

Applications for the Award

An applicant must provide:

1. A completed Claire T. Carney Leaders application form.

2. A 500-word double-spaced typed statement explaining the student’s views on leadership and commitment to civic engagement and how this relates to their civic identity.

3. A current resume that includes the applicant’s community service/civic engagement, leadership experiences, and extracurricular activities.

4. A copy of the current UMass Dartmouth academic transcript must accompany the application.

5. The criteria for selection include leadership potential, civic commitment and action, civic identity and reflection, extra-curricular activities, and essay. Applicant finalist will be interviewed.

Claire T. Carney Leader Arrangements

1. The Claire T. Carney Leader will be paid $2,000/semester for serving 8-10 hours per week for a total of 125 hours of service during the semester.

2. The award recipient, with approval from the Leduc Center, will identify a community based issue that they are passionate about and encourage them to work on the same issue for the term of their service, taking on increased leadership, program, and management roles.

3. The award recipients are expected to attend any events hosted by the Leduc Center.

If you have questions please contact or stop by the Leduc Center in LARTS Room 031.

Application Deadline:

4:00PM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2025.


Claire T. Carney Leaders Application

It is expected the recipients of the Claire T. Carney Leaders program will be announced in mid-April 2025.

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