Library Services Guide
Primo Library Catalog
Resources available in our library are searchable in Primo, UMass Dartmouth's library catalog. Users can search for resources utilizing a variety of basic or advanced criteria. To find a reference or source using Primo:
- search by title, author, or subject
- obtain a call number
- follow the numerical order to where the book is located in our collection
Many of our resources are available electronically through subscription-based databases accessible by UMass Law students, faculty, and staff. We provide help and instruction in the location and use of all library resources in print and electronic format. Please email or call 508-985-1121 for assistance.
The law library consists of three levels of study space, the law collection, computers and printers. All three levels provide individual study carrels, study tables, and comfortable seating.
Entrance/exit to the law library is available on all levels through the law school or stairs located in the back of the library. Elevator service is available; to obtain an elevator pass, please contact the Law Enrollment Center at 508-985-1149.
Main floor: primary law materials for state and federal jurisdictions, printers and scanners that deliver copies through UMassD's PrintLess system. Also: the library information desk, Technical Services and other library offices
Lower level: Designated for quiet study, with 6 group study rooms. Also: compact storage, a large collection of law reviews and journals, the UMass Law Review office.
Upper level: Designated for quiet study. Also: treatises in law and related fields, the Law Learning Center.
Reference materials
On-site reference materials include dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, almanacs, legal research materials, and writing materials. These materials are available for library use only.
Not finding what you are looking for? Please see a librarian or email
Reserve materials
Reserve materials, including all materials placed on reserve by faculty members, are located behind the circulation desk and may be borrowed for two hours for library use only. Please ask the staff for reserve materials.
All Massachusetts materials are considered reserve materials to be used in the library only. Massachusetts materials are shelved in open stacks in wooden shelves along the left hand walls of the library lobby.
Interlibrary loan
The law library maintains a cooperative agreement through a nationwide network of academic, public and special libraries. Through this vast network, we can locate and borrow an extraordinary range of materials. To request an item through interlibrary loan, please email
Interlibrary loan requests can also be placed directly by anyone with a current and activated UMass Pass and library account through the Claire T. Carney Library.
Online services
All students will have access to the premier legal databases:
These sources are accessed by registration codes, which will be distributed at orientation. Library staff is available to provide one-on-one training for use of any library database or resource.
Computers, printing & supplies
Computers are available in the library lobby. All computers require a valid UMassD logon.
For those who bring a laptop, the entire library is equipped with wireless access which is accessible through eduroam. For more information on eduroam, please visit
Printing is managed by the university’s PrintLess system. Print jobs are uploaded to My Print Center and released by tapping an active UMass Pass at the printer. Students’ UMass Pass cards are loaded with a predetermined amount of funds. Money must be on the card to release print jobs.
Lexis+ provides free printing from their database. Just select the library printer when printing in Lexis and pick up your documents at the information desk.
Supplies: Limited office supplies (staplers, tape, paper punches, paper cutters, and pencil sharpeners) are provided at the library print stations.