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Kim Wilson
Kimberly Wilson she/her


Labor Education Center
257 Union Street, New Bedford



Eva dos Santos
Eva dos Santos


Workers' Education Program


Camilo Viveiros
Camilo Viveiros Jr.

Labor Extension Specialist

Labor Education Center
257 Union Street, New Bedford




Teachers and support staff at Workers’ Education Program

  • Francheska Aponte
  • Paula Barry
  • David Callahan
  • Bill Connolly
  • Donald France
  • Carrie Irujo
  • Carla Melo
  • Roberta Miller
  • Joanne Pinsonneault
  • Susan Potter-Alves
  • Nadia Rodriguez
  • Matthew Ryckebusch
  • Donna Teixera
  • John of the Trinity

Steering Committee

This committee meets monthly

  • Shane Allen, UFCW 328, representative of campus food service workers
  • Rich Cabral, Organizer, Painters and Allied Trades, DC 35
  • Cynthia Costa, President, AFSCME 507
  • Lisa Field, Assoc. Director, Legislative Division, Mass Nurses Assoc.
  • Jerry Fishbein, Vice President, 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East
  • Peter Knowlton, Past General President, United Electrical Workers
  • Lisa Lemieux, President, Greater SE Mass Labor Council
  • Jim Pimental, Organizer, Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen Local 3
  • Cynthia Rodrigues, Past President, Greater SE Mass Labor Council

UMass Faculty

  • Eric Larson, Crime and Justice
  • Lisa Maya Knauer, Sociology/Anthropology

Advisory Board

This board meets once a year and as needed.

  • Derek Adamiec, Business Representative, Carpenters 330
  • David Araujo, Secretary-Treasurer, Laborers 876
  • Colleen Avedikian, Bristol Community College professor
  • George F. Belanger, Secretary-Treasurer, Local 59 IBT
  • Antonio Cabral, State Representative
  • Wilfred Desnoyer, Jr., President, UAW Mass CAP Council
  • Steve Dubin, son of founder
  • Debra Fastino, Executive Director, Coalition for Social Justice
  • Lily Huang, Co-Director, Massachusetts Jobs with Justice
  • David Rolando Oliva, Director, Fundacion Romero
  • Steven Tolman, President, Mass. AFL-CIO
  • Ron Weisberger, Strategic Action Coordinator, BCC, MCCC
  • Corinn Williams, Executive Director, Community Economic Development Center
  • Len Zandow, Director, Justice Bridge, UMass Law

UMass Dartmouth Faculty

  • Elisabeth Arruda, Women and Gender Studies
  • Eric Casero, English
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