Camilo Viveiros Jr.
Labor Extension Specialist
Labor Education Center
257 Union Street, New Bedford
Teachers and support staff at Workers’ Education Program
- Francheska Aponte
- Paula Barry
- David Callahan
- Bill Connolly
- Donald France
- Carrie Irujo
- Carla Melo
- Roberta Miller
- Joanne Pinsonneault
- Susan Potter-Alves
- Nadia Rodriguez
- Matthew Ryckebusch
- Donna Teixera
- John of the Trinity
Steering Committee
This committee meets monthly
- Shane Allen, UFCW 328, representative of campus food service workers
- Rich Cabral, Organizer, Painters and Allied Trades, DC 35
- Cynthia Costa, President, AFSCME 507
- Lisa Field, Assoc. Director, Legislative Division, Mass Nurses Assoc.
- Jerry Fishbein, Vice President, 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East
- Peter Knowlton, Past General President, United Electrical Workers
- Lisa Lemieux, President, Greater SE Mass Labor Council
- Jim Pimental, Organizer, Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen Local 3
- Cynthia Rodrigues, Past President, Greater SE Mass Labor Council
UMass Faculty
- Eric Larson, Crime and Justice
- Lisa Maya Knauer, Sociology/Anthropology
Advisory Board
This board meets once a year and as needed.
- Derek Adamiec, Business Representative, Carpenters 330
- David Araujo, Secretary-Treasurer, Laborers 876
- Colleen Avedikian, Bristol Community College professor
- George F. Belanger, Secretary-Treasurer, Local 59 IBT
- Antonio Cabral, State Representative
- Wilfred Desnoyer, Jr., President, UAW Mass CAP Council
- Steve Dubin, son of founder
- Debra Fastino, Executive Director, Coalition for Social Justice
- Lily Huang, Co-Director, Massachusetts Jobs with Justice
- David Rolando Oliva, Director, Fundacion Romero
- Steven Tolman, President, Mass. AFL-CIO
- Ron Weisberger, Strategic Action Coordinator, BCC, MCCC
- Corinn Williams, Executive Director, Community Economic Development Center
- Len Zandow, Director, Justice Bridge, UMass Law
UMass Dartmouth Faculty
- Elisabeth Arruda, Women and Gender Studies
- Eric Casero, English