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Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The Front Door to Innovation

UMass Dartmouth’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) is where technology-driven companies come to build their exciting ideas.

Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship building

An environment that includes quality space, complete facilities, support services, technical and business expertise, and more.

Group of students at event
Capabilities & Facilities

The environment and infrastructure necessary to help early-stage companies and innovative ideas grow and mature.

Speaker at conference center

Events for entrepreneurs, students, and technology industries.


MassCEC CEO, Sen Rodrigues, UMassD leadership and faculty attend roundtable at SMAST
UMass Dartmouth hosts Renewable Energy and Sustainability Roundtable for state officials
Senator Rodrigues and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO Emily Reichert visit the School for Marine Science and Technology (SMAST)
Members of the Kaput Center
Kaput Center wins NSF grant
Interdisciplinary research center aims to support local STEM teachers
Laptop running Fold-It game
Faculty Focus: The impact and connections to the 2024 Nobel Prizes in science
UMass Dartmouth faculty members reflect on the impact and their connections to the latest prize winners

Our sponsors

MassCEC Logo Alder, Pollock & Sheehan



Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship  

151 Martine Street •  Fall River MA

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