HR Direct
HR Direct uses your UMassD Logon and password. This is the same as your Email username and password. HR Direct is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. The system may be unavailable for maintenance during some weekends.
HR Direct login problem?
You will NOT be able to log into HR Direct until your record has been processed and activated through payroll.
Direct deposit can only be setup after (i) your official start date and (ii) once your record has been activated through payroll.
Student employees (including grad students) should contact Student Employment 508-999-8647 or Payroll at (774) 528-0203.
Non-student employees should contact Human Resources at 508-999-8060 for further assistance. Employee documents, forms, job aids, and training can be found in myUMassD HR Portal.
More information
If you experience difficulty, please try clearing your cache. This will usually resolve the issue. In most web browsers, you can clear the cache from the Privacy or History area in the Settings or Options menu, depending on the browser. With most browsers, the quickest way to get there is by Ctrl+Shift+Del. Further assistance on clearing browser cache can be found here.