Feature Stories 2023: Bronwyn Pearson '24: Music education

Bronwyn Pearson
Feature Stories 2023: Bronwyn Pearson '24: Music education
Bronwyn Pearson '24: Music education

Junior music major and incumbent pep band president gains real-world experience studying her passion

Why UMassD?

What brought you here?

"The architecture appealed to me during my tour of UMassD in high school, and I liked the size of the campus and the relative closeness to home."

What's your favorite thing about UMassD?

"My friends, the community, and the food options in the Campus Center and the Library."

Majoring in music

Why did you choose your major?

"I always loved my music classes and the ensembles I did in high school, but decided to start college with an arts and sciences undeclared major. It was only after I watched a 'Fall Into Your Major' video for music that I decided to go for it and enroll in music with a concentration in music education."

Has music always been a passion of yours?

"Music has always been one of my favorite subjects in school. It was my escape from my other subjects. I worked hard in music classes, but it barely felt like work, and I felt in my element."

Have you had a favorite class?

"The most interesting class I've taken is Seminar in Music Theory. It's open to mostly game design and music majors and we learn music design and how to use digital audio workstations (DAW) programs."

What type of career are you looking for after graduating?

"I want to be a high school music teacher and a private teacher for flute. I also hope to be in an orchestra one day and I'm working towards that."

Real-world experience

How did you get involved with the Pep Band?

"I wanted the experience of playing at sporting events. When officer positions came up, I applied for vice president and was elected to the position. I've loved my role, and also took up the drum major position to lead the band. This is giving me experience leading a group, conducting, studying music, and helping a band sound like a band! I'm very grateful for that opportunity. I've also just been voted president for next semester!"

How did you get involved with Our Sisters Middle School?

"Our Sisters was an idea Assistant Teaching Professor Allyn Phelps gave the class to fulfill our observation requirement for our music education classes. Our class of four and our professor visit the school every Friday to volunteer in their classes. I work with the flute and clarinet players to guide them and play with them."

Are you involved in any other ensembles?

"As a music student, I get involved in almost every ensemble that's offered here. It gives me opportunities to play different things and to see how different ensembles are run. Some of my favorite ensembles have been the Wind Ensemble, Steel Band, and Javanese Gamelan."

How does experience outside the classroom help boost your academic and professional experience?

"Making friends with other musicians that you spend most of your time with helps with questions during class and studying. Having other music education friends and connections will also help us as teachers. I feel like I've already made lifelong friendships that will also help me as a teacher."

Connect with Bronwyn

Bronwyn welcomes connections on LinkedIn and Handshake.