2018 2018: Jacob Moreira '19: marketing & graphic design

Jacob Moreira '19 - Corsairs Soccer - Corsair Rep
Jacob has been a 4-year member of the Corsairs Men's Soccer team.
2018 2018: Jacob Moreira '19: marketing & graphic design
Jacob Moreira '19: marketing & graphic design

Dual major for career versatility

Jacob Moreira '19 became a Corsair Rep for Admissions to continue his passion for photography and videography. You will frequently find him around campus snapping photos with his Nikon D3500.

Dual major for career versatility

I originally came to UMassD as a graphic design major, but I realized that I wanted to know both the design and the marketing sides of business. I wanted to be able to work with people, create strong professional relationships, and work as a member of a team.

I decided on a dual major—marketing and graphic design—in order to make myself more versatile.

Personal development

Being a CVPA student has actually helped me grow as a person more than I expected. I learned how to take criticism and not have my feelings hurt by every little thing that someone says. I also learned how to have patience while working on a project and to make sure that it is done right, not rushed.

Corsair pride and responsibility

Playing soccer for UMass Dartmouth has helped me develop a lot of school pride.

There's a time commitment that comes with the privilege of being an athlete. I learned very quickly to manage my time efficiently, so that I could get everything done that I needed to in a day. Although I was not a captain this year, I took on a leadership role for the team, as one of the only seniors. This was an added responsibility, but it taught me how to hold myself to a higher standard.

The UMassD difference

UMass Dartmouth is versatile and exceptional in so many ways—making the campus a great place to grow and learn.

I also think that it's the people at UMassD who really make it special. Almost everyone that I have met during my time here has been extremely nice and supportive with anything I wanted to do, whether in athletics, academics, or working for Admissions.

Bright future

Directly out of college, my goal is to work in an environment that will inspire me to do more. At my first job, I hope to find a mentor who will keep pushing me forward on a positive path. To prepare for my career, I've completed a marketing internship at One Energy, Inc., and a social media internship for Sweat Cycle Studio.

My dream is to one day open my own marketing and advertising company, a business that I can build and call my own.

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