2018 2018: Dr. Eli Evans is an interesting writer

Eli Evans
2018 2018: Dr. Eli Evans is an interesting writer
Dr. Eli Evans is an interesting writer

As a writer, Dr. Eli Evans is pretty much willing to go wherever someone will have him.

As a writer, Dr. Evans is kind of all over the map — a byproduct of the fact that, as a writer, he’s pretty much willing to go wherever someone will have, but that proclivity is restricted by limitations on his writing time (for instance, he was a two-year-old son, and a rotund but demanding dog). He holds as Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of California Santa Barbara, where his work focused primarily on Spanish literature, culture, and critical thought, both contemporary and among exiled intellectuals and artists following the Civil War.

Consonant with these interests, Evans has an article forthcoming in a scholarly collection dedicated to the contemporary intersection of literature, culture, and capitalism in the Spanish capital, Madrid. He also published a relatively brief but somewhat daring analysis of Catalonia’s recent bid for independence that was widely read and cited here in the United States, but also got enough attention in Spain that he ended up being interviewed and quoted extensively in a long article about perceptions of Spain abroad, in the context of the so-called Catalan crisis, that was published — including in an online English version  — in Spain’s most prominent newspaper, El País.

Dr. Evans also holds as M.F.A. in creative writing from the University of Arizona, and his creative work — fictions, pseudo-fictions, so-called creative non-fictions, and so on — can be found around the internet, as well as in various print locations, including the collection Bad Romance, published as an e-book by n+1, and MFA vs NYC: The Two Cultures of American Fiction, a collection of essays and other assorted matter published by Faber in 2014. Benjamin Kunkel, the excellent American novelist-cum-Marxist cultural critic, once described Dr. Evans “one of the most interesting young writers in America, as well as one of my favorites.”