2017 2017: Meet the Chancellor

2017 2017: Meet the Chancellor
Meet the Chancellor

Chancellor Robert E. Johnson introduces himself--and the summer issue of UMassD Magazine.

I am Robert E. Johnson, the new chancellor for UMass Dartmouth.

I am so proud to have been chosen to lead this great institution. During the search process, I had the opportunity to meet students, faculty, staff and alumni. I found a level of commitment to excellence here that is positively remarkable. Our faculty are renowned for teaching and mentoring their students. What I find so special about their dedication is that they also excel at research, and they involve students--at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

UMassD students are impressive in their accomplishments as well. They make the most of their opportunities--whether internships or athletics, community service or campus clubs.

Our students enter the world equipped for a rapidly changing hyper-connected workplace. It is our goal to prepare them for jobs that do not yet exist, utilizing technologies that have not been created to solve problems yet to be identified.

I have only begun to meet some of our amazing alumni, and I am looking forward to getting to know many more of you. In fact, this issue of the

UMassD Magazine is giving you the opportunity to meet me through both traditional and interactive technologies. More importantly, this issue introduces you to alumni, faculty, staff, and students who drive innovation and thrive on change. I hope you enjoy their stories.

We all know that higher education faces increasing challenges, and we must think and act differently. I look forward to creatively working together as we prepare UMass Dartmouth to succeed brilliantly in this environment.