2017 2017: Shaunia Bronson '19: art education

2017 2017: Shaunia Bronson '19: art education
Shaunia Bronson '19: art education

Finding inspiration and encouragement as she grows as an artist and educator.

Choosing CVPA

I chose to study at the CVPA because I was looking for a school with a good Art Education program, and I saw that UMass Dartmouth had it. I also was looking for a change from city life.

Friends who are genuine, faculty who are approachable

Student life is the best part of UMass Dartmouth. The friends I’ve made are honest and genuine, and they make you want to do better. I usually go to the CVPA building every day. It's not a long walk from any location on campus.

As a scholar, I think I’ve grown academically—due to having approachable teachers and teachers who want to see you do better.

I have a wonderful connection with the majority of my professors, and they all encourage my work inside the classroom and outside. I love having feedback from my teachers; they’re honestly more like friends. Yes, they are the professors, but we get to know each other on a comfortable level—that’s what I like.

Finding inspiration, making art

The CVPA has been a place for me to be whoever I want to be as an artist. The faculty encourage experimentation and finding solutions to your own problems. My creativity isn’t stifled.

The best part of my CVPA experience is that at any time of the day, I can go into the building and create art. I have an open space where I have inspiration all around me, so I try to utilize it as often as possible.

What I value most are the life lessons I'm gaining from the act of making art.

Showcase for creativity

I was recently in a showcase on campus called Lost in Black Excellence, sponsored by the student group Moors Engaged Noble (M.E.N.). They utilized the CVPA to showcase artists, models, clothing lines, dance groups, singers, and poetry. This is my second year being a part of the program, and it helps everyone with a business or group on campus to advertise to everyone.