2017 2017: Mollie Madigan: Preparing for a career as a veterinarian

Mollie Madigan posing with Arnie
2017 2017: Mollie Madigan: Preparing for a career as a veterinarian
Mollie Madigan: Preparing for a career as a veterinarian

After visiting campus, Mollie Madigan '18 knew UMassD was where she'd accomplish her goals.

Encouragement to pursue her dream

During a tour at another college, I asked about an animal nutrition course, which is required by many schools to become a veterinarian. Rather than giving me an answer, the professor shut me down and told me that because of the small job field I’d go nowhere. I was devastated.

When I first toured UMass Dartmouth, I was apprehensive. Once I entered the Science and Engineering building, I saw the school differently. I could picture myself walking down those halls to class.

I decided to take a chance and ask the same question. This time, the professor not only answered my question, but also gave me sources and said that some students here had done what I dream of doing—going to veterinary school.

It was exactly what I wanted to hear, and I decided to go to UMassD.

Energy of the Corsair community

After making friends, I started seeing campus as more of a community than just a concrete college. I saw the determined students going to the library every day to study. I saw the organization tables in the campus center and felt the energy of the Corsair community.

Because of my experiences, I see the campus for what it really is, rather than just what it looks like.

If you only look on the outside of the buildings, you won’t see the passionate professors teaching what they love and helping students succeed. You wouldn’t see the students meeting in the library to study for exams or the smile on someone’s face when they finally understand a difficult concept after a tutoring session.

Opportunities for leadership

I joined rugby at the same time I joined Alpha Sigma Tau. Being part of a team was a huge part of my high school experience, and I wanted it to be a part of my college experience too. I was part of the team that went to Nationals in 2015.

Because of rugby, I became more confident in myself and felt more ready to take on leadership positions in my sorority and in areas outside of Greek life.

Without athletics or that team atmosphere, I wouldn’t feel as confident and strong. I likely wouldn’t have tried new things such as applying for leadership positions.

Mollie Madigan playing rugby

Sharing the UMassD experience

I was an Orientation leader this summer. I gave new students their first real UMassD experience. During their two days with me, I was able to make them feel less nervous about coming to campus.

I never imagined the impact I’d have. I’m still good friend with some of the students and a few always say hello whenever we see each other.

I’ve become a better leader as a result and have applied for other positions to help more students.

Goal of becoming a veterinarian & author

I’ve always loved science. I grew up watching The Magic School Bus during breakfast, and I think that really impacted my love of science from a young age. It was my favorite subject in school, so it only made sense for me to major in a science: biology.

While some aspects of the major are difficult, I can truly say I love what I do because I know it’s leading me toward fulfilling my goals.

My dream, if I’m fortunate enough, is to become a successful, well-known veterinarian and bestselling author. I want to be happy with my life and endeavors.

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