2017 2017: Madison Boucher '18, three-time scholarship recipient

Madison Boucher
2017 2017: Madison Boucher '18, three-time scholarship recipient
Madison Boucher '18, three-time scholarship recipient

Political science and crime and justice major Madison Boucher talks about how receiving scholarships has allowed her to focus on academics, athletics, and community involvement.

"I am the youngest of four children, all of which attended college, from a single parent income. So paying for our education has always been a struggle. However, receiving scholarships has provided me with funds that ultimately lowered my out-of-pocket expenses. The scholarships have eased the amount of pressure that would have been placed on me and my family since the awards ultimately decreased the out-of-pocket costs of attending college. This has allowed me to focus more on my education and extracurricular activities.

Madison Boucher kicking the soccer ball

Academically, I am a member of the University’s honors program and the Mu Kappa Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha – the national political science honor society.

In terms of my extracurricular activities, I am a member of the University’s women’s soccer team and the women’s indoor and outdoor track and field teams. As an athlete, I get the opportunity to represent the University outside of academics. This has remained a positive experience throughout my time at UMassD. I’ve also joined the University’s student-athlete advisory committee where I serve as a representative for UMassD student-athletes, provide communication between student-athletes, administration, and coaches, and encourage involvement from student-athletes in campus, community, and charity events.

Madison Boucher in a track event

Choosing to continue my athletic career at UMassD has been one of the best decisions I have made. Through these programs I have gained lifelong friends and mentors that constantly provide support whenever is needed."