2017 2017: Hannah Blount '08: jewelry designer, entrepreneur

Hannah Blount '08 - jewelry designer & entrepreneur
Credit: Sadie Dayton Photography
2017 2017: Hannah Blount '08: jewelry designer, entrepreneur
Hannah Blount '08: jewelry designer, entrepreneur

With a design studio in Boston, Hannah Blount sells her jewelry in boutiques and galleries across the world.

The daughter of a fisherman and a seamstress, Hannah Blount was raised in the tradition of hand skills, hard work, and dedication. Her fine jewelry encompasses an organic and refined aesthetic. Hannah currently works out of her studio in Boston, MA, and sells her jewelry in various boutiques and galleries across the world.

Inspiring studio location

My studio is located in the SOWA Artists Studios. I love the artist environment, and the historical building is every inspiring to my aesthetic.

Current focus

These days, I'm expanding my Cameo collection as well as my one-of-a-kind Vanity collection.

Transition from student to professional

As with all artists, it took a little while to get on my feet, but I felt really prepared after my time at UMassD. I started my business as soon as I graduated, and became fully self-employed about three years after.

Building a brand

Being able to make jewelry full-time and build my brand has been my "biggest win" since graduation. It's been so exciting to see my work out of context—as in, on strangers or industry members I really admire!

Evolution & consistency

My attention to detail and quality of finishing has remained consistent. My design aesthetic has evolved immensely and is always growing.

Advice to students

Make what you love, and you'll be successful. Don't design for trends. Be authentic and people will respond to that.

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