2016 2016: Tim Waithe: Research in social needs of U.S. deportees

Tim Waithe in the Azores
2016 2016: Tim Waithe: Research in social needs of U.S. deportees
Tim Waithe: Research in social needs of U.S. deportees

Tim Waithe '16 participated in the College of Nursing's inaugural "Bridging the Atlantic" exchange with the University of Azores.

Year: Class of 2016
Major: Nursing
Hometown: Framingham, MA
Award: Housing & Residential Education Award
Research: Social needs of U.S. deportees
Leadership: Admissions Ambassador, President of Student Nurses Association
Next steps: Career as an RN

Inspired to become a nurse

I became interested in the medical field as a young child. Growing up, I spent a lot of time in and around hospitals supporting and helping care for my father, who has been sick my entire life.

As I got older, I began to see what nurses and doctors do day in, day out—aside from fixing my dad and bringing me graham crackers. After high school, I was faced with the question of what was in store for college.

I turned to a high school teacher who suggested nursing, due to my passion for people and desire to take my time getting to know and be there for the people I’m around.

The final seal of approval was through my uncle, a practicing nurse for over thirty-five years, who was well-respected in his field.

After graduation, I plan on getting a job as a registered nurse in the acute setting of a hospital, with the goal of helping as many patients as possible.

Focused on quality care

Through clinical experiences, volunteer opportunities, and employment at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, I’ve received affirmation that I chose the right profession.

Junior year clinical stands out the most. I delivered care to a patient with a language barrier. It challenged some of my basic skills, but I continued to focus on the goal of quality care and being as compassionate and accommodating as possible.

At the end of the day, my patient told me that it was blessing she got to work with me and thanked me for my care. I realized my care truly makes a difference and was overwhelmed with joy and satisfaction for my choice and my future as a practicing nurse.

Research opportunity in the Azores

UMass Dartmouth surprised me with all of the opportunities a student can take part in. From traveling to Phoenix for the Student Nurses’ Association to traveling to the Azores for research, anything has been possible.

Last spring, I went with a group of nursing students to the Azores for an international exchange with the University of Azores’ College of Nursing. We researched the social needs of U.S. deportees, which inspired my desire to influence world health goals and the equality of healthcare for all.

Learning from experienced nurses

UMass Dartmouth’s dedicated professors and hardworking students contribute to an atmosphere that’s unlike any other.

My professors have always shown their depth of knowledge and ability to teach through the rigor of their classes. They draw from their own experiences as practicing nurses.

Different views are brought in from traveling nurses, nurse managers, and nurse practitioners. It’s a privilege to be able to pick their brains for their knowledge.

Before UMass Dartmouth, I never saw myself traveling to another country to conduct research with a community health clinical instructor and fellow nursing students, or critically thinking about outcomes in an antepartum clinic.

More information

College of Nursing

News: UMass Dartmouth nursing students travel to Azores for experiential learning opportunities