2016 2016: Sheyla Lors: Internship with Legal Aid Society

2016 2016: Sheyla Lors: Internship with Legal Aid Society
Sheyla Lors: Internship with Legal Aid Society

UMass Law's legal skills program prepared Sheyla Lors for an internship with the Legal Aid Society in the Bronx after her first year of study.

Appreciating UMass Law's values

Sheyla Lors grew up in Brooklyn in a big Haitian family and wants a career in international human rights law, where she can fight human trafficking and child slavery. "I always said I'd never leave New York City, but I saw that the values of UMass Law matched my own."

A second-year student at UMass Law, Sheyla is the first person in her family to attend law school. "UMass Law has given me a clear path to what I want to do for the rest of my life," she said.

Ready to excel in legal work

Sheyla was excited to land an internship with the Legal Aid Society in the Bronx in the summer following her first year. She credits the rigorous legal skills program at UMass Law with preparing her to contribute immediately. She was able to write like a lawyer and was familiar with the other skills that are essential to practicing law. "I never dreamed I'd be ready to excel in legal work after my first year," she said.

"I felt really prepared for my internship. My Legal Skills professor helped develop my legal writing skills, which came in handy when I worked on memorandums and motions that were submitted to the court."

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