2016 2016: Shake The Ship: Dec. 6, 5-7:30pm

SGA - Student Government Association
2016 2016: Shake The Ship: Dec. 6, 5-7:30pm
Shake The Ship: Dec. 6, 5-7:30pm

Shake The Ship gives students a voice in the changes they’d like to see on campus.

Students have a voice at UMass Dartmouth—and one way they can make that collective voice heard is at "Shake The Ship."

This fall’s Shake The Ship will be held Tuesday, Dec. 6, 5 - 7:30pm in the Library Living Room. The event closes with a social, where students can meet their Student Senators and campus officials.

Offered at the end of each semester, Shake The Ship brings together students and administrators for an opportunity to discuss changes that students would like to see and to review changes that have been made.

Introduced in spring 2014, Shake The Ship is sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA). It covers topics such as academics, housing, transportation, dining services, and other student interests. The event’s nautical title is in keeping with campus mascot Arnie the Corsair. A corsair is not only a pirate but also anyone who's on a journey—as all university students are.

Join the conversation

"Shake the Ship is a great way to start a conversation of change," said SGA corresponding secretary Samantha Reid ’19.

"It’s a time and place for students to voice their opinions and concerns directly to the administration. This is a big deal because many times students are not sure who to go to when they have an issue on campus.

"As a student government, SGA hears all of the students’ concerns, opinions, or questions about the university," she said.

"We encourage students to attend Shake the Ship so they can have their voices heard by the whole university. Get your concerns heard, have your opinions noticed, and get your questions answered in a timely manner."

Working together to improve our campus

"After Shake the Ship, the SGA compiles all of the students’ questions and concerns and directs them to various internal committees that cover all aspects of campus life," said SGA president Sofia Reppucci ’17.

"Our committee heads and SGA work with the administration to figure out how the issues affect the student body and to find solutions."

Samantha noted that some of the key topics raised at last spring’s Shake the Ship were meal plans, faculty qualifications, facilities updates, and lighting on campus.

"We have seen this year that students are very invested in changing the way parking and transportation are handled on our campus."

An innovation for this fall’s event will be Shake the Ship Reflect Back. Reflect Back will be a document sent to all students, faculty, and administrators explaining the answers, progress, and improvements for each question that was asked at the last Shake the Ship.

Current SGA officers & senators

Officers: Sofia Reppucci, president; Bryan Saint-Louis, vice-president; Brian Towne, treasurer; Samantha Reid, corresponding secretary; Haja Savage, recording secretary

Student Trustee: Kevin Delaney

Current student senators, listed by the areas they represent:

College of Arts & Sciences: Brandi Bass, Charlens Beneche, Kharlita Chambers-Walker, William Cook-Warren, Alani Okyere, Bryan Saint-Louis, Haja Savage, Tanecia Weaver

Charlton College of Business: Fatima Fraga-Alvarez, Nicole Hernandez, Eric Leonard, Kairo Nathan, Deborah Salami, Tyler Varda

College of Engineering: Rachelle Edouarzin, Brian Towne

College of Nursing: Jasmine Kelly

Residential students: Nataki DeGraffenreid

Commuter students: Dominic Roy

Class of 2017: Sofia Reppucci

Class of 2018: Charlemya Erasme, Kathryn Lovett, Emike Momodu

Class of 2019: Jared Nickerson, Silavong Phimmasone, Samantha Reid

Class of 2020: Bryan Edwards, Kate Egan, Alixander Jean-Simon

Advisor: Dr. David Milstone

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