A National Science Foundation grant will provide hands-on research opportunities to students interested in marine biology, fisheries oceanography, and estuarine and ocean science.
UMass Dartmouth has received a $343,070 grant through the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site Grant Program to provide hands-on research opportunities.
UMass Dartmouth faculty mentors will work with undergraduate students interested in marine biology, fisheries oceanography, and estuarine and ocean science. Led by UMass Dartmouth Biology Professor Nancy O’Connor, the “Integrative Marine Biology for the 21st Century” project will support 10 students for 10 weeks during the summers of 2016-2018.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to spark interest and engage the next generation of marine biology researchers,” said O’Connor, who will be joined in overseeing the program by UMass Dartmouth Biology Associate Professor Tara Rajaniemi. Student participants will be recruited from schools in southeastern Massachusetts, as well as from a national pool of applicants.
Those enrolled in the program will attend weekly workshops that focus on research proposal development, research ethics, and career preparation. The students will learn how research is conducted and keep blogs of their work over the course of the 10-week program. Many will be invited to present the results of their work at scientific conferences at the end of the summer.
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