2016 2016: Kerina Silva: UMass Law community is her lifeline

Kerina Silva UMass Law
2016 2016: Kerina Silva: UMass Law community is her lifeline
Kerina Silva: UMass Law community is her lifeline

Kerina Silva enrolled at UMass Law to pursue her lifelong dream of practicing law.

Lifelong dream of law school

When her son was 9 and her daughter 16, Kerina Silva decided it was time to pursue a lifelong dream. She enrolled in law school. As a first-year student at UMass Law, she can arrange her class and study time so she is available for her kids.

"As a single, working mom and an older student, starting law school was a huge transition for me. But with all the help from the professors, staff and other students at UMass Law, I made it work."

The combination of public interest law, affordable tuition, and flexibility drew her to UMass Law. But the community of professors and students is what sustains her. "My study group is my lifeline now," she said.

And best of all, her teenage daughter is really proud of her. 

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