The students explored and demonstrated instrumentation that could detect the edge of a moving web and sense its lateral displacement to within +/- 25 microns (with a goal of achieving +/- 5 microns). The signal from the sensor would be used to control web steering in a manufacturing machine to ensure accurate web tracking through the machine.
Faculty advisor:
Dr. Paul Gendron
Jake Jaskolka (leader), Mechanical Engineering
Isaak Akins, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Justin Conor, Elecrical & Computer Engineering
John Berg, Carpe Diem Technologies
The students explored and demonstrated instrumentation that could detect the edge of a moving web and sense its lateral displacement to within +/- 25 microns (with a goal of achieving +/- 5 microns). The signal from the sensor would be used to control web steering in a manufacturing machine to ensure accurate web tracking through the machine.
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Electrical & Computer Engineering