2016 2016: Capstone Project: Spin Tester

Cory Hoi, Zachary Celia, and David Markt
2016 2016: Capstone Project: Spin Tester
Capstone Project: Spin Tester

The team analyzed modes of vibration and potential failure in a spin tester used to dynamically evaluate large and heavy abrasive grinding wheels. The intent of the project was to explore ways to increase machine throughput by altering the testing protocols.

Faculty advisor:

Dr. Wenzhen Huang


David Markt (leader), Mechanical Engineering
Cory Hoi, Mechanical Engineering
Zachary Celia, Mechanical Engineering


Saint-Gobain Abrasives


The team analyzed modes of vibration and potential failure in a spin tester used to dynamically evaluate large and heavy abrasive grinding wheels. The intent of the project was to explore ways to increase machine throughput by altering the testing protocols.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering