2016 2016: Capstone Project: Snoopy, Small Onboard Linux Computer

Capstone Project: Snoopy, Small Onboard Linux Computer
Left to right: Logan P. Doonan, Weldon Mui, Dylan Z. Baker, Sakshi Kishan, Edna Pires
2016 2016: Capstone Project: Snoopy, Small Onboard Linux Computer
Capstone Project: Snoopy, Small Onboard Linux Computer

The target of the project is to design a small onboard Linux machine. The device should have networking capability.


Logan P. Doonan (CPE/ELE) - Team Leader, Weldon Mui (ELE), Dylan Z. Baker (CPE), Sakshi Kishan (CPE), Edna Pires (CPE)

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Hong Liu

Project Description

The target of the project is to design a small onboard Linux machine. The device should have networking capability.


Mr. Richard Grundy, AVTECH Software, Inc.

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