2016 2016: Capstone Project: Camera-Based Sleeping Driver Detector

Capstone Project: Portable Sleeping Driving Detector
Left to right: Quinn M. Gonsalves, Alexander J. Grube, Jonathan D. DaSilva, Bryan V. Kane
2016 2016: Capstone Project: Camera-Based Sleeping Driver Detector
Capstone Project: Camera-Based Sleeping Driver Detector

This project is a software application for an android smartphone that uses the front-facing camera to detect if the user falls asleep while operating a vehicle.


Quinn M. Gonsalves (ELE) - Team Leader, Alexander J. Grube (CPE), Jonathan D.  DaSilva (ELE), Bryan V. Kane (ELE)

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Liudong Xing

Project Description

This project is a software application for an android smartphone that uses the front-facing camera to detect if the user falls asleep while operating a vehicle. If the user does fall asleep an alarm will initiate with both vibration and sound until the user opens their eyes and/or deactivates the alarm.


Mr. Stephen Frechette

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