2016 2016: Capstone Project: Mouse Eye Injection Fixture

Ramzi Bechara, John Jones, Ryan Quern, and Nolan Fraine
2016 2016: Capstone Project: Mouse Eye Injection Fixture
Capstone Project: Mouse Eye Injection Fixture

The student team designed and built a high precision apparatus for positioning an ultra-fine glass injection needle into the eye of an anesthetized research mouse using computer control and video microscopy.

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Alex Fowler


Ryan Quern (Leader), Mechanical Engineering
Ramzi Bechara, Bioengineering 
John Jones, Mechanical Engineering
Nolan Fraine, Mechanical Engineering


Dr. Kameran Lashkari, Schepens Eye Research Institute


The student team designed and built a high precision apparatus for positioning an ultra-fine glass injection needle into the eye of an anesthetized research mouse using computer control and video microscopy.

More information

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Bioengineering