2016 2016: Capstone Project: Miniature Manufacturing System

Patrick Yaghoobian, James de Iturrondo, Alex Legendre, and John Seddon
2016 2016: Capstone Project: Miniature Manufacturing System
Capstone Project: Miniature Manufacturing System

The student team designed and built a functional miniature version of a high precision web-handling system. The machine tracked a narrow, thin, transparent web from a supply spool to a take-up arbor.

Faculty advisor:

Dr. Afsoon Amirzadeh


Alex Legendre (leader), Mechanical Engineering
Patrick Yaghoobian, Electrical & Computer Engineering
James de Iturrondo, Mechanical Engineering
John Seddon, Mechanical Engineering


John Berg, Carpe Diem Technologies


The student team designed and built a functional miniature version of a high precision web-handling system. The machine tracked a narrow, thin, transparent web from a supply spool to a take-up arbor.

More information

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical & Computer Engineering