2016 2016: Capstone Project: Dot Drill Timing System

Capstone Project: Dot Drilling Timing System
Left to right: Jacob G. Vieira, Jason P. Cesar, Richard J. Carreiro
2016 2016: Capstone Project: Dot Drill Timing System
Capstone Project: Dot Drill Timing System

The goal of this project is to add accuracy and reliability to our customer’s ability to assess his athletes' performance in successfully negotiating the dot drill.


Jacob G. Vieira (ELE) - Team Leader, Jason P. Cesar (ELE), Richard J. Carreiro (ELE), Alejandro A. Colon (CPE) (not pictured

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Paul J. Gendron

Project Description

The goal of this project is to add accuracy and reliability to our customer’s ability to assess his athletes' performance in successfully negotiating the dot drill. The dot drill is a plyometric footwork exercise designed to assess and develop an athlete’s balance, coordination, and overall agility. The drill involves a series of 206 steps carried out in five unique patterns, each of which is repeated six times.

The customer currently assesses the athletes' performance using a stopwatch and observing how many misses the athlete commits throughout the exercise. By observing with human eye and timing the exercise with a stopwatch, our customer is inherently inaccurate in his assessment due to the lack of accuracy of a handheld stopwatch and human observation.

By automating both the timing and step accuracy measuring systems, as well as assessing the score and providing a weighted time based on accuracy, we will greatly enhance our customer’s ability to assess his athletes' performance in successfully negotiating the dot drill.


Mr. Greg Homol

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