2015 2015: David Burr: Observation and identity in art

2015 2015: David Burr: Observation and identity in art
David Burr: Observation and identity in art

Using various media and formats, David explored different modes of observation and identity.

David Burr ’15, of Medway, is a painting and 2D studies major in the College of Visual and Performing Arts. He was the recipient of an Office of Undergraduate Studies research stipend for his project "Algorithmic Vision: A study in visual deconstruction and the impact of the fragment."

‌‌‌Using various media and formats, David explored different modes of observation and identity. Through the interpretation of fragmented reality, he produced a series of drawings to be exhibited this year. His faculty advisor was fine arts professor Elena Peteva.

How research informs his art

The research I've been doing has affected the way I look at making art. It has turned my art into more of a discussion—a conversation between me and what I’m seeing or me and what I’m thinking.

If you have anything that you find interesting…something that motivates you, the faculty here will do anything to support you.

The future: graduate study in art

After graduation, I will be working to develop a cohesive portfolio for applications to graduate painting programs. I'll be focusing on community arts, murals, workshops, community education, and personal research throughout this next year.

I'm currently working to build an academic publication for research in the fine arts discipline.

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