2015 2015: Alyssa Foley: Social media internship & a promising future

Alyssa Foley
2015 2015: Alyssa Foley: Social media internship & a promising future
Alyssa Foley: Social media internship & a promising future

Alyssa Foley held an internship with the university's Marketing and Public Affairs departments.

Year: 2015

Major: Marketing

Hometown: West Bridgewater, MA

Internship: Marketing and Public Affairs Intern, University Marketing, UMassD

Next Steps: Career in social media marketing and pursuing an MBA

Internship in marketing

I’ve worked for UMass Dartmouth’s Marketing and Public Relations departments since junior year and am now a senior Marketing and Public Affairs intern.

I’ve assisted in engaging with students on UMassD’s social media channels, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest—and I’m proud to say that the impact of UMassD’s social media has increased substantially.

I’ve drafted a Pandora commercial about UMassD and assisted in the photoshoot for the UMass system’s most recent television commercial. One of my most memorable experiences was assisting in organizing media for last year's Commencement.

I’ve been able to apply what I’ve learned in courses such as marketing communications, social media marketing, marketing research, and marketing management. I’ve also earned my in-bound marketing certification.

On-the-job experience

The internship has taught me things that no book ever could, and I wouldn’t trade it for any other work experience. I leave my internship with confidence, knowing that I’ve learned so much about myself and have gained a multitude of skills and knowledge.

I now have the ability to create communications for a variety of audiences and purposes. Learning to draft, edit, and finalize a press release was an important skill to master, as was working with media outlets effectively. I can develop social media and marketing strategies with ease. I have the ability to research media ad buys, and know how to reach thousands of people using Constant Contact and other email systems.

The internship has made me a competitive candidate for marketing positions. It also helped me become more successful as a marketing major and as a UMass Dartmouth student. I’ve learned to be confident in my ideas and finished projects—that I have a creative mind and can achieve my goals. I’ve gained a sense of self that I’ll take with me as I embark on my future career.

Along the way, I learned to love this university more than ever. The internship has taught me that education is the key to learning about yourself and leading you to a successful, happy life.

UMassD: opportunities to grow

The university is one of the best in the state and provides opportunities for all students. UMassD constantly develops new programs so that students can grow, just as I have.

The faculty and staff here are happy to help and want students to be the best they can be. I’m so grateful not only for the people I’ve worked with, but also the people who work hard to make our university the best around.

The challenge of finding the right major

My greatest challenge was figuring out who I wanted to be. I originally entered UMassD as a nursing major, then realized nursing wasn’t the best fit for me.

I entered the business program still hesitant about my future. After taking the foundation business courses, I realized I was where I should be. The Charlton College of Business, along with my incredible internship, has prepared me for a promising future.

The future: social media marketing

I hope to pursue my MBA and a career with the same focus as my internship. Social media marketing is a rising marketing strategy, and I’ve already learned so much about it. With the increased use of social media across a wide spread of demographics, it’s clear that social media marketing is here to stay.

I’ve also gained a passion for the importance of higher education. I want to change the way prospective college students view higher education and show high school graduates that Massachusetts higher education is something they can’t find anywhere else.

Words of advice...

UMass Dartmouth is your map, and it’s up to you to find out exactly who you are destined to become. Make a bucket list and cross every single thing off. Meet a new person each day and learn about them. Join an organization that you are passionate about and have fun. Travel the world. Use every resource available on campus to enhance your time here.

If there’s one thing you can learn from me, it would be: don’t ever settle. No matter what you want to be, give it 200% and I promise that you’ll carry the experience you make here with you for the rest of your life.

They say that college is about finding out who you are. I did just that. I’m blessed to have spent the last four years in such a great learning community.

...and gratitude 

I’d like to thank my support system that has been here with me throughout my college career, especially my friends and family. Also, I’d like to thank my internship supervisors, John Hoey, Joe Sullivan, and Renee Buisson, for giving me such an amazing opportunity. I’m grateful to have had inspirational supervisors who see the importance of gaining experience through an internship.