2014 2014: Michael Massoud: Beginning his nursing career

2014 2014: Michael Massoud: Beginning his nursing career
Michael Massoud: Beginning his nursing career

Michael Massoud's research project correlated sleepiness and stress in college students.

‌Michael R. Massoud '14 of Fall River is a nursing major dedicated to making people feel better. Active on campus in a number of organizations, he's looking forward to the next chapter in his life: becoming a registered nurse.

Why did you decide you wanted to become a nurse?

I always knew that I had to pursue a degree that had heavy interaction with people. I volunteered at St. Anne's Hospital my senior year of high school and really liked the relationships that the nurses made with the patients in oncology.

What has been your experience learning from the College of Nursing faculty?

The nursing faculty is exceptional. They always make sure that you’re fully prepared for anything and answer any of your questions. I’ve made a lot of relationships with the faculty. The amount of time they dedicate to the students is infinite. I appreciate everything they’ve done for me, and without them I wouldn’t be graduating with my BSN. 

What was one memorable clinical experience?

I shared a moment in the emergency room with an elderly patient, who had come in with abdominal pain and wasn’t happy. A few interventions later, with multiple jokes told, she was finally discharged. Before she left she pulled me over, and with a smile said that I made her day better. I asked her why, and she told me that I made her feel like everything was all right. She told me that I was always smiling, and she had enjoyed the jokes that I told her while taking care of her. At that moment it connected: I knew that I was made to make people feel better. 

Tell us about research you’ve done.

I took Scholarly Inquiry with Dr. Setheras my sophomore year. With her guidance I did a quantitative research project, which correlated sleepiness and stress in college students.

Senior year, I completed the honors program with the help of Dr. Weatherford, my honors advisor. I did a qualitative research study, which looked at the experiences of senior nursing students throughout their time in the program. 

What have you been involved with on campus?

I was involved in many groups that impacted my life. Student government gave me insight on how a professional institution is run. Pride Alliance gave me confidence in being myself. Student Nurses Association allowed me to work with other nursing students, coming up with ideas and executing plans. Lastly, the honors program taught me the meaning behind dedication to schoolwork and staying disciplined to complete my goals. 

What are your plans following graduation?

After graduation, I plan on taking the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses exam and beginning my next chapter, working as a registered nurse.