2014 2014: Anthony Natoli: Internship in marketing

2014 2014: Anthony Natoli: Internship in marketing
Anthony Natoli: Internship in marketing

Anthony Natoli's internship at Sepaton prepared him for a position as the social media coordinator for Wagner Motor Group.

‌Anthony Natoli '14 of Ashland, MA, is a marketing major who was active on campus in student government and Phi Kappa Theta. His internship at Sepaton, a data protection company, provided experience in all areas of marketing and introduced him to the potential for a career in social media. He recently accepted a position as the social media coordinator for Wagner Motor Group in Shrewsbury, MA.

‌How did you decide on your major, marketing?

Picking a major seemed like the defining decision of my college career. I perused UMass Dartmouth’s colleges to see what spoke to me. I leaned towards majors that involved working with people, understanding why people thought like they did, and catering to consumer needs. All signs pointed to marketing—and I fully immersed myself in this subject, which I truly love and find so interesting.

Faculty and staff have been wonderful—and I'm incredibly thankful for the lessons they’ve taught me. I’m looking forward to using these skills in the workforce.

Tell us about your internship experience.

Junior year provided a new challenge: the competitive and crucial hunt for internships. I decided to go to the Career Development Center to learn how to go about applying, interviewing, and presenting myself in a professional setting for an internship. I applied—and was accepted—for an internship that was particularly intriguing, at Sepaton, a data storage and protection company in Marlborough, MA. I'd never been so excited in my life (and bought a professional wardrobe to launch my internship).

This opportunity provided me with a strong background in all areas of marketing, from print to web design—and it’s where I found my passion for social media. As an avid user of a multitude of social media outlets in my personal life, I’d already had a strong interest in and appreciation for it, but I never thought I could pursue it as a career option. I loved working at Sepaton, and I’m forever grateful for the opportunities they’ve given to me.

What are your plans after graduation?

Upon graduation, I plan to pursue a career in my field. I’ll continue my job search over the summer and grow my skills both professionally and personally. Much like picking my major and hunting for an internship, this is a defining decision in my life that I cannot do on impulse. Through various interviews and application processes, I plan to find a career that fits me and will give me the amount of satisfaction that I’m looking for.

What have you been involved with on campus?

Since freshman year, I’ve been eager to get involved on campus. The second semester of college proved to be a pivotal one for my involvement around campus. In the spring of my freshman year, I rushed for a fraternity (something I never thought I’d do). Phi Kappa Theta is an organization on campus that has a reputation for producing strong leaders in the campus community. During that semester, I was also elected to the Student Government Association as a representative for Arts and Sciences (I was still in that college at the time). I was so excited to be a part of this organization and fell in love with it instantly. From then on, I’ve served on and headed a variety of committees that benefited the campus community and my fellow students.

What makes UMass Dartmouth special?

UMass Dartmouth has been my home for the past four years, and I have a lot of love and admiration for the classmates, professors, and staff who have made this experience memorable. What truly made UMass Dartmouth special to me was the strong sense of community that the student body has. That kind of kinship is something that people search for their whole lives—and I believe I've found it at this university. The lifelong friendships and memories that I’ve made here are enough to last me a lifetime.