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SMAST Seminar - DEOS - "Clouds, Wind, and Rain: Shaping the Marine Boundary Layer One Gust at a Time" by: Alex Kinsella

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Department of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences

"Clouds, Wind, and Rain: Shaping the Marine Boundary Layer One Gust at a Time"

Alex Kinsella 
Postdoc, WHOI

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
|SMAST E 101-102 and via Zoom


Clouds over the oceans are key regulators of global weather and climate due to their effects on radiative balance and the transport of heat, moisture, and momentum through the atmosphere. These clouds interact with the upper ocean in a complex, coupled system where heat and momentum are constantly exchanged across the air-sea interface. In this talk, I will present observations and findings from the ongoing Wind Forecast Improvement 3 (WFIP3) field campaign, focused on marine atmospheric boundary layer behavior on the Atlantic US continental shelf. In particular, I will focus on a case study of Potential Tropical Cyclone 8, which passed over the region in September 2024, testing our wind forecasting capabilities. I will also describe some of the instrumentation and methods used in marine meteorology, highlighting tools that may be less familiar to the audience, such as Doppler wind lidars, flux buoys, and cloud radars. These observations provide a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of marine clouds, air-sea interaction, and their influence on predictive models, with implications for weather forecasting and offshore wind energy.

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To request the Zoom passcode, or for any other questions, please email Callie Rumbut

SMAST East 101-102 : 836 S. Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford MA 02744
Callie Rumbut