ELEC Oral Comprehensive Exam for Doctoral Candidacy by Muhammad Baqer Mollah - ECE
Topic: Multi-Modality Sensing and Communications for Connected Vehicles
Location: Lester W. Cory Conference Room, Science & Engineering Building (SENG), Room 213A
Zoom Conference Link: https://umassd.zoom.us/j/92374869463
Meeting ID: 923 7486 9463 Passcode: 174802
Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) are set to transform intelligent transportation systems by enhancing safety, traffic efficiency, and mobility. Key use cases require high throughput, low latency, reliable communication, and precise positioning. The millimeter-wave (mmWave) band offers a broad spectrum to meet these demands but suffers from high path attenuation, necessitating beamforming techniques that use large antenna arrays to create narrow beams for better signal strength. Traditional beam alignment methods based on exhaustive searching can result in significant computational and communication overhead, making them unsuitable for dynamic vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) scenarios.
This proposal outlines background information, problem statements, and the challenges of deploying mmWave communications in CAV use cases. It includes two preliminary solutions that utilize deep learning techniques, leveraging single and multi-modality sensing data to predict optimal beams for strong mmWave links. Real-world testing indicates that these methods significantly reduce the beam searching time and overhead compared to conventional approaches, representing a promising advancement in mmWave communication. The proposal concludes with suggested future directions for research.
Co-Advisor(s): Dr. Honggang Wang, Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth; Dr. Hua Fang, Professor, Dept. of Computer & Information Science, UMASS Dartmouth
Committee Members: Dr. Mohammad Karim, Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth; Dr. Liudong Xing, Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth; Dr. Qing Yang, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of North Texas
NOTE: All ECE Graduate Students are ENCOURAGED to attend.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Open to the public.
*For further information, please contact Dr. Honggang Wang via email at hwang1@umassd.edu.
Science & Engineering Building, Lester W. Cory Conference Room: Room 213A