List of Master's Theses
- Jonathan C. Carreiro
The Significance of Implicit and Immersive Learning Through Interactive Mediums
Advisor: Prof. Firas Khatib
- Davina Sardinha
An Empirical Study of Deep Recommendation Models Ensemble
Advisor: Dr. Ming (Daniel) Shao
- Brandon Matthew Wetzel
Ensuring Trustworthiness in Immutable Predictive Models Using Public Blockchain
Advisor: Dr. Haiping Xu
- Brandon Carvalho
Comparative Analysis of Web Development Frameworks
Advisor: Dr. Iren Valova
- Kyle A. Furtado
Comparative Analysis of the Efficacy of Machine Learning Models in Detecting Cancer from Medical Imagery
Advisor: Dr. Firas Khatib
- Nandini Lokesh Reddy
High-Precision Groundfish Length Measurement and Species Identification
Advisor: Dr. Ming Shao
- GirishBabu Reddy
GRAPPA Reconstruction in MRI Using Quantum Computing
Advisor: Dr. Yuchou Chang
- Dnyaneshwari Shashikant Jagtap
Hierarchical Clustering Analysis for Network Intrusion Detection and Attack Similarity Identification: A Packet-Level Approach
Advisor: Dr. Gokhan Kul
- Vincent J. Gardner
Security Analysis of Code Generated by AI
Advisor: Dr. Jiawei Yuan
- Alexander Moulton
Opportunistic Collaboration between Autonomous Agents in Communication-Constrained Environments
Advisors: Dr. Shelley Zhang and Dr. Yi Liu
- Darshan Nayak
A Data-Driven Approach to Cooperation in RoboCup Rescue
Advisor: Dr. Shelley Zhang
- Rutu H. Patel
An LLM-based Autonomous Multi-Agent System
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Ming Shao
- Ratna Prakarsha Kandukuri
Development of a Simulator Based on Ocean Model Data to Support UUV Mission Autonomy
Advisors: Dr. Daniel MacDonald & Dr. Shelley Zhang
- Liza Sousa
Chatterbox: A Framework for a Low-Budget Augmentative and Alternative Communication Application
Advisor: Dr. Firas Khatib
- Mengjie Jia
Delay-aware Approaches towards UAV Flight Data Anomaly Detection
Advisor: Dr. Jiawei Yuan
- Marcos Felipe
Developing a Scalable Solution for Storing On-Chain Big Data in a Consortium Blockchain Network
Advisor: Dr. Haiping Xu
- Shannon Gibbs
An Automated Approach to Optimizing the Number of Hidden Neurons in Partially Connected Artificial Neural Networks
Advisor: Dr. Haiping Xu
- Guy Caseneuve
Energy-based Out-of-Distribution with Chest X-Ray Image Classification
Advisor: Dr. Iren Valova
- Devin Cannistraro
Study of Shelly Sediments in Offshore Waters through Convolutional Neural Networks
Advisor: Dr. Iren Valova
- Grady Landers
Chatbot Technology in the Field of Computer Science
Advisor: Dr. Iren Valova
- Marcos A. Felipe
Developing a Scalable Solution for Storing On-Chain Big Data in a Consortium Blockchain Network
Advisor: Dr. Haiping Xu
- Tate James DeTerra
Bridging the Cognition Gap: An ACT-R Model for Analyzing and Improving Defensive Techniques in AI-Generated Code
Advisor: Dr. Yuchou Chang
- Bhargavi Govardhanam
Predictive Visitor Management Application (PVMA): A Microservice-Oriented Decision Support System for Tourist Centers
Advisor: Dr. Yi Liu
- Dylan DeFlorio
Cryptocurrency Trading Methods: The Comparative Performance Analysis of Algorithmic Trading and AI Trading Dr. Iren Valova
- Sharan Anil Kumar
Curriculum Learning for Improved Deep-Unrolled Image Reconstruction: Incorporating Prior Knowledge with Scheduled Data Dr. Yuchou Chang
- Yuhyeok Lee
Designing microservice-oriented application frameworks by generalization Dr. Yi Liu
- Grady Landers
Chatbot Technology to the Field of Computer Science Dr. Iren Valova
- Kameron Jusseaume
Data Preparation Process to Predicting Age in Seizure Patients Via Deep Learning with Electroencephalogram Recordings Dr. Iren Valova
- Nathan LeBlanc
Improving Handwritten Text Identification Through Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks Dr. Iren Valova
- Devin Cannistraro
Study of shelly sediments in offshore waters through convolutional neural networks Dr. Iren Valova
- Rui Ming
A Deep Learning Approach to Building Budget-Constrained Models for Big Data Analytics Dr. Haiping Xu
- Atefeh Rahmani
An Ensemble Method for Improving Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Dr. Yuchou Chang
- Chidera Biringa Uzoma
Multi-Dimensional Performance Impact Analysis of Software Updates in Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Dr. Gokhan Kul
- Jack D'Agostino
Toward Pinpointing Data Leakage from Advanced Persistent Threats Dr. Gokhan Kul
- Abhishek Mahaseth
SDN-based Intelligent Threat Detection System for Robotic Operating System Dr. Jiawei Yuan
- Kevin Montambault
Utilizing Image Attribute Estimation for use in Image Reconstruction from Fragments Dr. Gokhan Kul
- Yubo Li
Hybrid Graph-Based Music Recommendation System Dr. Shelley Zhang
- Shahzeb Khalid
RFID Technology: The Card-less and Cash-less Payment System Dr. Firas Khatib
- Alok Chandrakant Ratnaparkhi
From Vulnerability Anit-Patterns to Secure Design Patterns: Connecting the Dots Dr. Yi Liu
- Joshua Carberry
Real-Time Rejuvenation Scheduling for Cloud Systems with Virtualized Software Spares Dr. Haiping Xu
- Josue N Rivera
Graph Induced Lifelong Learning through Features Similarities and Dissimilarities Dr. Ming Shao
- Stefan Bruendl
Enhanced EDA-based data stream pattern Analysis for real-time Substance Use Detection in emulated 5G Environment Dr. Hua Fang
- Alvin Thamrin
Hierarchical Cloud-Based Consortium Blockchains for Secure and Reliable Big Data Storage Service in Healthcare Systems Dr. Haiping Xu
- Mert Saritac
Navigating Mobile Robot via Emotional Awareness and Web-Based Interface Dr. Yuchou Chang
- Matthew Mrazik
Feel the Rhythm: A Blind-Accessible Rhythm Game Showcasing a Novel Approach to Accessibility in Game Development Dr. Firas Khatib
- Allison Poh
nucleoSLIDE: A Citizen Science Game for the Motif Finding Problem Dr. Firas Khatib
- Donald Caouette
Audio Maze: A Blind Accessible Game Introducing New Navigation Techniques Dr. Firas Khatib
- Pratiksha Rakesh Singh
An Empiral Study OF Recommendation Systems Using Fuzzy Soft Computing Approach Dr. Shelley Zhang
- Ravi Shankar
Analyzing Noise in Trajectory Data Dr. David Koop
- Salman Bukhari
Cross View Data Visualization Combining Data Mining Dr. Maoyuan Sun
- Felicia Imbriano
Performance of Distributed Join Algorithms on Large Data Sets Dr. Paul Bergstein
- Venkata Sukumar Gurugubelli
Regularizing neuro-fuzzy model (mGNNF) for outcome prediction in longitudinal data Dr. Hua Fang
- Phillip Igoe
An Expandable Decision Framework for Real Time Side-Scan Sonar Data Analysis and Action-selections with MOOS-IvP to support AUV Autonomy Dr. Ram Balasubramanian
- Savi Chavan
Visual Extension of The Python Tool Keras to Aid the Exploration and Analysis of CNN Builds for Image Recognition with Multiclass Classification Dr. Iren Valova
- Justin Lovinger
A Tutorial on Supervised Learning from the Perspective of Mathematical Optimization Dr. Iren Valova
- Brandon Charles
Path Optimixation Utilizing Self-Organizing Maps Dr. Iren Valova
- Katherine Santacruz
Design and Implement a Service That Allows Real-Time Communication Between Different Mobile Apps Using Push Notifications Dr. Jan Bergandy
- Minh Hai Ha
Design of a VCG-Based Double Auction Mechanism for Online Product Bundling Dr. Haiping Xu
- Hari Pad Bharti
Personalized Graph Based Hybrid Recommendation System Dr. Shelley Zhang
- Jay Patel
Dataflow Notebooks: Enhancing Computational Notebooks Dr. David Koop
- Akhilesh Bhushan Balaji Prasad Camisetty
Supporting Streaming Data Exploration and Real-Time Collaboration with Web Application Provenance Dr. David Koop
- Vipanch Erram
Automated Product Feature Extraction Using Recurrent Neural Networks Dr. Haiping Xu
- Wesley Fowlkes
Optimal Depth Navigation Algorithm for Reducing Energy Consumption in a Multi-Pass or Multi-AUV Framework Using Aggregated Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data Dr. Ramprasad Balasubramanian
- Jeffrey Rezendes
Automated Detection of Gulf Stream Axis from Satellite Images Dr. Ramprasad Balasubramanian
- Anand Shah
MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling) Visualizations for Foldit results Dr. Firas Khatib
- Amruta Meshram
Performance of Distributed Join Algorithms on Large Data Sets Dr. Paul Bergstein
- Shashank Mucheli
Detecting and Visualizing Knots and Slipknots in Protein Chains Dr. Firas Khatib
- Kevin Lydon
Contrasting Two Approaches to Automated Gulf Stream North Wall Segmentation: Clustering and Neural Networks Dr. Ramprasad Balasubramanian
- Richard deGroof
Cloud Detection for Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Imagery Using a Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network Dr. Iren Valova
- James Delande
Distributed Architecture to Address Communication Challenges in Achieving Multi-UUV Autonomy Dr. Ramprasad Balasubramanian
- Chaitanya Chandurkar
SIMProv Supporting Web-Based Interactive Exploration through Client-Controlled Provenance Dr. David Koop
- Amol Gade
Towards Structured Deep Neural Network for Predictive Analytics Dr. Haiping Xu
- Mihir Kavatkar
Projects in GPU Computing with Performance and Benchmark Analysis Dr. Firas Khatib and Dr. Gaurav Khanna
- Seth Borges
Intuitive Interactions and Meaningful Animated Transitions for Treemap Visualizations with Hierarchical Timeseries Data Dr. David Koop
- Christian Esteves
Computer Science Curriculum Enhancement Through Use of Video Game Dr. Iren Valova
- Jason Williams
Action Selection Filtering Through Affect Thresholds in Decision Making Agents Dr. Shelley Zhang
- Yuhan Zhang
SLTM: A Sentence Level Topic Model for Analysis of Online Product Reviews Dr. Haiping Xu
- Gregg J. (Bois) Bailey
A Unified Query Language for Polyglot Persistent Environments Dr. Paul Bergstein
- Mi Tang
An Improved Content-Based Chunking Algorithm (PHQM) for Efficient Data Synchronization Dr. Shelley Zhang
- Chang Wei Huang
Embedding Digital Signatures as Invisible Watermarks in cloud-Based Critical Data Dr. Haiping Xu
- Scott O’Connor
Modeling and Implementation of Decision Support System (DSS) to Support Imposition of Seasonal Load Restriction (SLR) through the integration of Commercial Remote Sensing (CRS), Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Dr. Ramprasad Balasubramanian
- Deepti Bhalerao
A Secure and Fault-Tolerant Data Storage Schema Using Multiple Cloud-Based Service Providers Dr. Haiping Xu
- Christopher Gorman
Optimizations and Evolutions of the Kohonen Self-Organizing Map with a Focus on the Gravitationally Organized Related Mapping Artificial Neural Network (GORMANN) Dr. Iren Valova
- Jean F. Rahme
Optimal rejuvenation scheduling for cloud-based systems using extended dynamic fault trees : a thesis in computer science / by Jean F. Rahme.
- Ran Wei
A formal cost-effectiveness analysis model for product evaluation using classified online product reviews : A thesis in computer science / by Ran Wei.
- Boddie, Mark
Power source aware survivable optical WDM networks: a thesis in computer science
- Li, Arturo W
Ontology-supported smart search engine for concept-based query : a thesis in computer science
- Plante, Jeremy M
Optical manycast communication networks : a thesis in computer science
- Khidkikar, Mahesh
Real time segmentation and classification of side scan sonar images : a thesis in computer science / by Mahesh Khidkikar.
- Bankar, Kanchan M
Keyword search on database-generated dynamic web pages : a thesis in computer science / by Kanchan M. Bankar.
- Mothe, Neelima
Experimental results on the performance of distributed join processing using semi-join algorithm : a thesis in Computer Science / by Neelima Mothe
- Song, Zhe
Depth color based 3D image transmission over wireless networks with QOE provisions : a thesis in computer science / by Zhe Song.
- Rogers, Clinton Louis
Developing and utilizing a fully parallelizable learning neural network architecture : a thesis in computer science / by Clinton Louis Rogers.
- Baharath Honnenahalli Ramaprasad
Dynamic advance reservation in slice networks : a thesis in computer science / by Baharath Honnenahalli Ramaprasad.
- Punjabi, Amit
Natural language processing (NLP) model for automatic creation of UML diagrams : a thesis in computer science / by Amit Punjabi.
- Chawla, Harmeet K.
Real-time reliability model for ontology-based dynamic web service composition : a thesis in computer science / by Harmeet K. Chawla.
- Singh, Saban
Aggregating doppler velocity log (DVL) sensor data towards generating adaptive behaviors in multi-AUV framework : a thesis in computer and information science / by Saban Singh.
- Fitch, Daniel
Petri net model for secure and fault tolerant cloud based information storage : thesis in computer science / by Daniel Fitch.
- Dubey, Anju
Vision based communication framework for multi-vehicle tasking : a thesis in computer science / by Anju Dubey.
- Davidson, Curtis James
Utilizing UML to improve students" problem solving ability : a thesis in computer science / by Curtis James Davidson.
- Jangra, Sandeep
Performance analysis of VMware ESX server : a thesis in computer engineering / by Sandeep Jangra.
- Bhaskaran, Kavitha
Anycasting in optical wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks using any colony optimization : a thesis in computer ad information science / by Kavitha Bhaskaran.
- Kyle David DeMedeiros
Refueling strategies for a team of cooperating autonomous undersea vehicles : a thesis in computer and information science / by Kyle David DeMedeiros.
- Akankshu Dhawan
Framework for real-time monitoring of acoustic events using a wireless sensor network : a thesis in computer science / by Akankshu Dhawan.
- Ram, Prashant K.
Design patterns in resource management : a thesis in computer science / by Prashant K. Ram.
- Sarangapurkar, Raghavendra
Modeling power consumption in graphics processors : a thesis in computer science / Raghavendra Sarangapurkar.
- Bikram, Rajesh R. C.
Multi-layer loss recovery to improve TCP performance over optical burst-switched (OBS) networks : a thesis in computer and information science / by Rajesh Bikram R. C.
- Savaria, Daniel Thomas
V-slam vision-based simultaneous localization and map building for an autonomous mobile robot : a thesis in computer science / by Daniel Thomas Savaria.
- Vishen, Rahul.
Design and implementation of a pseudo-controller towards enabling obstacle avoidance in mission oriented operating suite (MOOS) : a thesis in computer science / by Rahul Vishen.
- Reddyreddy, Abhinay Kartik.
Development of state-based XML firewall for service-oriented systems : a thesis in computer science / by Abhinay Kartik Reddyreddy.
- Singh, Abishek.
Experimental study of reduction methods of colored petri nets : a thesis in computer science / by Abhishek Singh.
- Prabhudesai, Pranita A.
Incremental black-box testing approach for component-based systems : a thesis in computer science / by Pranita A. Prabhudesai.
- Mattoo, Piyush.
Keyword aggregator-a new keyword based search approach in peer to peer networks : a thesis in computer science / by Piyush Mattoo.
- Ni, Na.
Redesign of geospatial search algorithm in land based target area of uncertainty project : a thesis in computer science / by Na Ni.
- Dahodwala, Aliasgar.
Study of social behaviors in multi-agent environment : a thesis in computer science / by Aliasgar Dahodwala.
- Komatireddy, Bharat.
TCP Performance analysis using congestion-based load balanced routing in optical burst switching : a thesis in computer science / by Bharat Komatireddy
- M.Berndtsson
Thesis projects : a guide for students in computer science and information systems / M. Berndtsson ... [et al.].
- Chandran, Deepak.
Toward reliable optical burst-switched networks using forward segment redundancy : a thesis in computer and information science / by Deepak Chandran.
- Joshi, Aashay.
Transformation of unified modeling language models into colored petri net models : a thesis in computer science / by Aashay Joshi.
- Packer, Ari.
Architecture and algorithms to support cooperation among autonomous undersea vehicles : a thesis in computer science / by Ari Packer.
- Shrestha, Bhavesh.
Automated agent generation and coordination in multi-agent systems : a thesis in computer science / by Bhavesh Shrestha.
- Nagelly, Harish Reddy.
Automatic web service composition to support complex user goals : a thesis in computer science / by Harish Reddy Nagelly.
- Beaton, Derek Francis.
Bridging turing unorganized machines and self-organizing maps for cognitive replication : a thesis in computer science / by Derek Francis Beaton.
- Stack, Danielle Joy.
Building intelligent user interface agent for underwater vehicle launch dynamics simulation : a thesis in computer science / by Danielle Joy Stack.
- Jain, Deepti.
Energy-efficient target monitoring in wireless sensor networks : a thesis in computer science / by Deepti Jain.
- Hammond, John H.
- Framework for the parasom self-organizing map applied to multi-dimensional input spaces : a thesis in computer and information science / by John H. Hammond.
- Baveja, Harit.
Host-based intrusion detection system using system call monitoring : a thesis in computer science / by Harit Baveja.
- Patel, Bhumit.
Initial commitment decision problem and crisis management in multi-agent virtual organizations : a thesis in computer science / by Bhumit Patel.
- Forbes, Daniel R.
Integrated technical reference model evaluated through biomechanical gait analysis : a thesis in marine science and technology / by Daniel R. Forbes.
- Bollampally, Rahul.
NxGen: sketching next generation interfaces : a thesis in computer science / by Rahul Bollampally.
- Chaudhuri, Ayan Hom.
Response of the gulf stream, it's warm-core rings and related shelf water entrainment to the North Atlantic oscillation : a dissertation in Marine Science and Technology / by Ayan Hom Chaudhuri.
- Khadka, Binsan.
Model checking of the software requirement model through transforming live sequence charts into colored petri nets : a thesis in computer science / by Binsan Khadka.
- Patel, Rinkesh.
Real-time trust management in agent based online auction systems : a thesis in computer science / by Rinkesh Patel.
- Devurkar, Priyank R.
Structural datamining and analysis of social networks : a thesis in computer science / by Priyank R. Devurkar.
- Ravindran, Sai.
Application detector (proof of concept) : a thesis in computer science / by Sai Ravindran.
- Robidoux, Ryan Mark.
Automated verification of a computer system reliability model : a thesis in computer science / by Ryan Mark Robidoux.
- Sood, Vishal.
Automatic tracking by visualization of mesoscale eddies in MICOM : a thesis in computer science / by Vishal Sood.
- Patil, Yash.
Automation of test cases for co-operating web services : a thesis in computer science / by Yash Patil.
- MacLean, Daniel S.
Clustering and classification for a parallel self-organizing map : a thesis in computer and information science / by Daniel S. MacLean.
- Gami, Nirmal.
Correctness of loosely coupled inter-organizational workflows with multilevel security features : a thesis in computer science / by Nirmal Gami.
- Chavali, Pavanchand.
Coverage-based test case generation for sequential and concurrent systems using model checking : a thesis in computer science / by Pavanchand Chavali.
- Karnik, Almitra.
Design and implementation of an efficient algorithm for spharm surface registration : a thesis in computer science / by Almitra Karnik.
- Jain, Nidhi.
Dual-homing protection in hierarchical wireless sensor networks : a thesis in computer science / by Nidhi Jain.
- Curro, Robert Joseph.
Fuzzy geospatial risk assessment of tactical strike positions : a thesis in computer science / by Robert Joseph Curro.
- Gaurav, Kunal.
Image recognition with mobile agents using a common middleware environment : a thesis in computer science / by Kunal Gaurav.
- Sharma, Amit.
Interactive labeling tool for creating better initial parameterization : a thesis in computer science / by Amit Sharma.
- Takkallapally, Anirudh.
Time factor in mining purchase patterns in an ecommerce site : a thesis in computer and information sciences / by Anirudh Takkallapally.
- Chaudhari, Swapnil.
Upwelling detection in AVHRR sea surface temperature data using neural-network framework : a thesis in computer science / by Swapnill Chaudhari.
- Patel, Samarth Deepak.
Automatic detection of oceanic eddies in SeaWiFs using neural networks and shape analysis : a thesis in computer science / by Samarth Deepak Patel.
- Joseph, Shiji George.
Automatic segmentation and 3D visualization of mesoscale eddies in MICOM : a thesis in computer science / by Shiji George Joseph.
- Thorat, Sangram.
Complex where clause implementation in database mediator : a thesis in computer science / by Sangram Thorat.
- Tilve, Pallavi S.
Development of an RMI - based mediation service with JDBC drivers : a thesis in computer science / by Pallavi S. Tilve
- Sharma, Rohit.
Development of JDBC 1.2 drivers for an RMI - based mediation service : a thesis in computer science / by Rohit Sharma.
- Basnet, Animesh.
Formulation of decision support systems (DSS) architectures for highway toll plazas : a thesis in computer science / by Animesh Basnet.
- Jyoti, Jeewan.
Improving quality of service for voice-over-IP using routing diversity and load-balancing : a thesis in computer science / by Jeewan Jyoti.
- Buer, Alexandre.
Initialization of self-organizing maps with self-similar curves : a thesis in computer science / by Alexandre Buer.
- Sikder, Avijit.
JDBC based data mediation service : a thesis in computer science / by Avijit Sikder..
- Lapteva, Oxana.
Modeling of neurotransmitter effects in olfactory bulb : a thesis in computer science / by Oxana Lapteva.
- Ayachit, Mihir M.
Petri net based XML firewall security model for web services invocation : a thesis in computer science / by Mihir M. Ayachit
- Lin, Shunde.
Semantic discovery of peers in a JXTA based sensor network : a thesis in computer engineering / by Shunde Lin.
- Moolani, Veena
Shape analysis and spatio-temporal tracking of mesoscale eddies in the Miami isopycnic coordinate ocean model
- Zheng, Qinhe
The study of virtual organization
- Ray, Sourish
Application of difference-in-clustering for identification of oceanographic features
- Yancho, Jeffrey C.
Computer aided identification of undersea mines
- Nanda, Sameer
Design patterns for resource allocation
- Parimoo, Sparsh
Focused crawler based on latent semantic analysis
- Cheng, Yi-Tsung
A formal approach to detecting shilling behavior in concurrent online auctions
- Naik, Sheetal
IDEM: an internet delay emulator approach for assessing VoIP quality
- Joshi, Sachin
Security in inter-organizational workflows modeled by petri nets
- Vichare, Shivraj Shirish
Agile - data warehousing: the backbone of business intelligence
- Chaudhuri, Ayan Hom
Automated oceanographic feature detection from high resolution satellite images
- Chen, Jian-Lun
Complexity of workflow mining algorithm for petri-net based workflow
- Shah, Vishal S.
Conditional mapping in data mediation
- Ram, Prashant K.
Design patterns in resource management
- Lin, Ke
An extended algorithm for finding lower bounds on messages for secure protocols
- Bauskar, Bhushan
Integration of object oriented design and colored petri nets using abstract node approach
- Song, Yiluo
Parallel approaches for IP packet address lookup
- Lu, Chia-Hsin
Sequence alignment analysis with genetic algorithm (GA)
- Ravinder, Prashanth
General marriage problem in multi-stage decision-making in domains with large supply and smaller demand
- Tu, Phuong My
A genetic algorithm approach to optimization of backbone network topology design
- Wang, Zuyan
Petri net morphisms and their roles in formal development of concurrrent systems
- Zhang, Bo
Verifiable message set : detecting guessing attacks on cryptographic protocols
- Cabeza, Alberto M.
Rapid prototyping of parallel and distributed systems using Object-Oriented Petri Nets models - a comparative analysis
- Rui, Fuding
The application of ensemble method in neural network training and generalization
- Schulze-Dèobold, Jèurgen
Three dimensional computer graphics: time efficient display of surfaces of revolution
- Sattler, Theo
Extending of exception-handling in an object oriented environment supporting template classes
- Iacobbo, Stephen D.
How problem complexity relates to neural network size
- Walker, Tilman Patrick
Conveying expert structural knowledge to the user in a hypermedia tutoring system using a graphical overview
- Glessmann, Heiko
Object oriented distributed operating systems
- Bertone, Paul Nicolas
Paradigms of biomolecular computation
- Juergens, Marcus
Performance evaluation of client-server systems with generalized stochastic petri nets
- Boehm, Jan Oliver
Robot arm object - software for motion control
- Vogt, Stefan
A design and development method for artificial neural network projects
- Adilinis, Despina
Evaluation of methods for reengineering a COBOL application into relational database
- Blum, Joachim
Microkernel operating systems in parallel architectures
- Higgins, Joyce R.
Personal computer bios : an object oriented design
- Jin, Hua-Ming
Graphical user interface in computer network topology optimization
- Qiu, Shijie
Self-organizing neural networks and exemplar selection for training back-propagation neural network
- Jia, Ruomong
A memory-based neural model--CMAC : an associative neural network alternative to back propagation
- Rumbut, John T.
Managing complexity for large embedded real-time interactive systems
- Zhou, Lin
Incorporating radial basis function and product units into back propagation neural networks
- Stringham, David M.
Modeling of cache coherency protocols in multiprocessor systems using petri nets