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Department of Computer & Information Science

Computer science: designing a better world for tomorrow

Our faculty are dedicated to excellence in computer science education and research. Join us to explore new ideas and a vision of computing in the 21st century.

Our up-to-date classrooms, laboratories, and facilities make cutting-edge learning and discovery possible—with research opportunities available at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

Academic programs

Students who study computer science may be interested in pursuing advanced degrees such as UMassD's PhD in Engineering & Applied Science.

Computer science at UMassD

Department News

MassCEC CEO, Sen Rodrigues, UMassD leadership and faculty attend roundtable at SMAST
UMass Dartmouth hosts Renewable Energy and Sustainability Roundtable for state officials

Senator Rodrigues and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO Emily Reichert visit the School for Marine Science and Technology (SMAST)

Women engineers networking
Alumni and professionals lend advice to aspiring engineers

6th annual Empowering Women in STEM event connects UMassD students and STEM professionals

STEM4Girls in lab
STEM4Girls cultivates interest in science fields for local students

Workshops and keynote speakers introduce 400+ girls to STEM careers

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