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Office of Student Accessibility Services

Welcome new and returning students!

If you wish to receive accommodations, you will need to self-disclose to us by calling to make an intake appointment with one of the directors – 508.999.8711.  Please submit documentation before your appointment, if possible.  You can email documentation to or fax (508-910-6691).  If you have any questions regarding documentation, please see our documentation guidelines.  At an intake meeting, one of our directors will review your documentation and discuss college-level reasonable accommodations.

Remember, if you are a returning student, you also will need to schedule an appointment with one of our directors to notify your new professors of accommodations and to review and sign our updated student agreement.

UMassD Students!

Can you believe we’re already coming up to the half-way mark of the semester? This is the point of the semester where the crunch starts being felt! Midterms are right around the corner, registering for the spring semester is coming and preparing for finals and final projects are going to be quickly behind.

If you haven’t been using a planner or calendar yet, try using one just for the next few weeks to keep track of this extra busy time. Making sure to schedule in plenty of study or work time so that you’re prepared for midterms could be a make-or-break moment! It’s also a great time to look into tutoring at the STEM Learning Lab or the Multi-Literacy Center, if you haven’t already. Reach out to professors for extra guidance if you need to, too!

Have you been meeting with our graduate assistant, Kerry? They can help with any kind of scheduling or time management questions you may have! There are still some slots available, even if you just need one quick appointment to get on the right track for midterms.

Make sure you have a study schedule down! This is the time to make one if you haven’t already. Try not to study for more than an hour a day on any one topic. You’re more likely to remember things if you don’t push yourself to a point of mental fatigue! A little bit every day is much better for long-term remembering than cramming all at once. We have a lot of study tips in our resources section! Be sure to check them out.

This is also a good time to start planning for how you’re going to tackle those big final assignments, if you have any! Breaking big projects into smaller chunks over a long period of time will help ensure a higher quality of work with the least amount of stress. It also gives you the chance to seek feedback from others, like classmates or your professor(s). If you’re not sure where to start with this, our graduate assistant can help!

As always, never hesitate to reach out to the OSAS staff! We’re here to help and we want to see all of our students succeed.

Equity for all

The Office of Student Accessibility Services, oversees the University’s compliance with the legal mandates expressed in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 for students with documented disabilities.

The Office of Student Accessibility Services works with faculty, staff, and students to ensure that appropriate academic adjustments are made that allow all students equity inside the classroom. Students who have documented disabilities on our campus are afforded a variety of services to accommodate their individual needs. UMass Dartmouth strives to ensure complete access to University academic programs. 

Simply schedule an appointment with us to discuss your unique needs. The Office of Student Accessibility Services is located in Pine Dale Hall, Room 7136. When you arrive at Pine Dale Hall please use the call box and dial ext. 8711 and a staff member will meet you at the entrance to open the door.

Helpful flyers

Free apps for online learning, productivity, and stress reduction


  • Chegg Prep - flashcards created  to prepare for all types of subject matter
  • StudyBlue - has study materials for all different courses
  • Cram - flashcards to prepare for all types of subject matter and multiple choice tests. 

Time management

  • Flora - tracks your focus time
  • Flipd - shows how long you’ve spent on apps, sleeping, studying, etc.
  • Productive - helps user create their daily routine, provides feedback


  • Microsoft OneNote - easily integrates with your UMassD account
  • Agenda - tracks your note taking over time, allows easy addition of photos and outside info
  • Notebook - organizes your notes into different notebooks


  • Calm - meditation app that also has music to help you fall asleep
  • Aura - after assessing your mood, provides you with personalized life coaching and stories to reduce anxiety
  • Insight Timer – meditation app that creates playlists for anxiety, sleep, stress, and productivity


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