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Zhenzhen Sun, PhD

Associate Professor

Accounting & Finance



Charlton College of Business 216


2010University of Rhode IslandPhD
2003Central University of Finance and EconomicsMS
1999Beijing Technology and Business UniversityBS


  • Business finance
  • Seminars in derivatives



An introduction to the nature of financial management. The course presents the basic tools used in the decision-making process as they pertain to the acquisition, management and financing current and long-term assets. Working capital policies, the time value of money, capital budgeting and debt and equity financing are discussed.

Emphasis on the analysis of case studies. Based on assigned readings in the finance literature, students select a topic for independent research. Progress on the research paper is closely monitored by conferences and class presentations.

Online and Continuing Education Courses

Emphasis on the analysis of case studies. Based on assigned readings in the finance literature, students select a topic for independent research. Progress on the research paper is closely monitored by conferences and class presentations.
Register for this course.


Research interests

  • Empirical asset pricing
  • Investment
  • Corporate finance
  • Risk management

Select publications

  • Chen, Xuanjuan, Zhenzhen Sun, Tong Yao, and Tong Yu (2023).
    In Search of Habitat
    Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 13, 266-306.
  • Chen, Xuanjuan, Jing-Zhi Huang, Zhenzhen Sun, Tong Yu, and Tong Yao (2020).
    Liquidity Premium in the Eye of Beholder: An Analysis of the Clientele Effect in the Corporate Bond Market
    Management Science, 66, 932-957.
  • Chen, Fang, Jing-Zhi Huang, Zhenzhen Sun, and Tong Yu (2020).
    Why Do Firms Issue Guaranteed Bonds?
    Journal of Banking and Finance, 119, 105396.
  • Chen, Xuanjuan, Zhenzhen Sun, Tong Yu, and Tong Yao (2020).
    Does Operating Risk Affect Portfolio Risk? Evidence from Insurers' Securities Holding
    Journal of Corporate Finance, 62, 101579.
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