Ziddi Msangi


Ziddi Msangi

Associate Professor

Art & Design





College of Visual & Performing Arts 310A


1996Cranbrook Academy of ArtMFA
1993San Jose State UniversityBFA


  • Graphic Design
  • Community Engagement
  • Graduate Program





The major studios involve intensive work and research in the student's area of concentration. Students investigate the aesthetic, conceptual, technical, and structural properties of chosen media through an individualized study program developed under the guidance of their major advisors. Through questioning and experimentation, students are expected to consolidate technique with the development of strong, expressive ideas. Informal critiques and individualized discussions are scheduled.

Graphic Design basics. Introduction to icon development, packaging design, information design. Students are introduced to communication concepts of audience, form and content, and semiotics. Handcraft is reinforced and vector-based design technology is introduced.

Career options and internship preparation. Presentations from working professionals, exploring skills needed for different design professions. Students reflect on the role of designers in society, discuss various graphic design career options, improve business communication skills, and learn about business ethics. This seminar helps students prepare for future studies, internships, and employment opportunities.

Addresses social and ethical design perspectives while developing communication strategies built on models of conversation and participation. Students examine and identify public needs, constraints and/or opportunities for community partners and clients. Emphasis is on presentation skills, research and concept development as a process, systems and predicting outcomes of design action.


Research activities

  • East African textiles and their role as communication system
  • Human Centered Design


Research interests

  • Design
  • Design + Society
  • Design + History
  • Design + Politics

Ziddi Msangi, a designer and educator, holds an MFA in Graphic Design from Cranbrook Academy of Art (1996).

He was born in Tanzania and moved to California as a child. This early experience fostered an awareness and curiosity about history, power and place.

Cultural interpretation, and placing the narratives that form identities into a social, historical, and cultural context have influenced how Msangi teaches and designs.

This includes designing for community engagement, understanding and applying Universal Design principles of inclusion and honoring the students lived experiences. This influence shows up regardless of what level Prof. Msangi teaches at (undergraduate as well as the graduate level) and this also influences him in his administrative leadership when he served as Graduate Program Director for the Visual Design program.

His ongoing visual research and exploration is about the form and meaning of the East African cloth wrap, Kanga. The results have been presented nationally and internationally including Rhode Island School of Design, Hongik University in Seoul, Korea and University of Johannesburg in South Africa.

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